Wednesday, March 28, 2012

God The Ruler and Provider for All (Psalm 65:5-13)

3/28/2012 8:13:04 AM
My Worship Time    Focus: God is ruler and provider for all!
Bible Reading & Meditation            Reference:  Psalm 65:5-13
 Message of the verses:  As we continue to look at Psalm 65 in today’s SD I want to remind you of what Dr. Wiersbe wrote at the end of his introduction in order to help us better understand more about this psalm:  “Whatever the historical setting, the psalm helps us to worship our great God and glorify Him for who He is and what He does for us.”
 He Is the Ruler of All Nations (vv. 5-8):  “5  By awesome deeds You answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, You who are the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea; 6  Who establishes the mountains by His strength, Being girded with might; 7  Who stills the roaring of the seas, The roaring of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples. 8  They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy.”
 During the time when this psalm was written and even before it was written the nations around Israel thought that all nations had their own Gods, but one of the functions of Israel was to let others around them that there was only One True God and so this psalm moves from the people of Israel to all the nations of the world, and from God’s grace to the Jews to God’s government of the Gentiles.  We see in this section some things that God did in creation and also in sustaining the earth.  The roaring seas are a symbol of the nations in tumult and confusion as seen elsewhere in (Isa. 17:12-13; 60:5; Dan. 7:2-3; Rev. 13:1; 17:5).  We know from Daniel 2:21 that it is God who chooses the leaders of nations, all nations for God is in control of all things that are going on in the world even though many people do not believe this or understand this.  At a time when there is much confusion in many of the nations around the world believers can comfort knowing that God is in control of all the nations and God is in control of all the so called “natural disasters ” that are going on around this earth.
 He Is the Provider of All We Need (vv. 9-13):  “9  You visit the earth and cause it to overflow; You greatly enrich it; The stream of God is full of water; You prepare their grain, for thus You prepare the earth. 10  You water its furrows abundantly, You settle its ridges, You soften it with showers, You bless its growth. 11  You have crowned the year with Your bounty, And Your paths drip with fatness. 12  The pastures of the wilderness drip, And the hills gird themselves with rejoicing. 13  The meadows are clothed with flocks And the valleys are covered with grain; They shout for joy, yes, they sing.”
 I believe that there is one thing that is taught around the world that has been most devastating to the peoples of the earth and that is evolution.  After doing a study by John MacArthur which he calls “The Battle for the Beginning” I have seen from the data that he brings up in his book and from the messages that he gave to the church that he is Pastor of, that evolution is impossible.  We have technology today that proves that evolution is not possible and I do not have time to go into all the details of this here, but once DNA was discovered it made evolutionist look pretty dumb.  The most detrimental thing that evolution has caused in the world today is that it has given those who accept it a way out of being accountable to God, for if the world was made by chance then there is no One to be accountable to and this has led to many people around the world close their eyes to God, who in these verses of Psalm 65 is seen as the Provider of things we all need including food.  All people receive what is called “common grace,” and that would be things like air to breathe, and food to eat, and a way to make shelter to live in, things all people enjoy, but most do not understand that this is all given to them by God’s grace.
 Psalm 65 began in the small country of Israel and not it has spread around the world and into the universe for David writes of the rain and also the sun in this section of this psalm.
 Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Psalm 65 is a psalm of praise to our Great God, who deserves all glory and honor.  It has been nice to look at this psalm in order to help me praise the Lord, for it was a good reminder to me of all the things that God has, in His grace given to me.  The Savior He provided to pay for my sins and the Word He has provided for me to understand Him better are two wonderful things to praise the Lord for today and every day of my life.
My Steps of Faith for Today:  I pray and trust that God will give my family the grace we need to deal with a difficult situation that we are facing at this time in our lives.  I pray that through this situation that God will use it to teach me contentment and to praise the Lord in difficult situations.
3/28/2012 8:47:33 AM

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