Thursday, March 21, 2019

"Evangelists" (Eph. 4:11)



My Worship Time                                                                                          Focus:  “Evangelists”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Ephesians 4:11


            Message of the verse:  11 And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,”


            We have been talking about the Apostles and the Prophets in our past SD’s and stated that once these men were gone that that was the end, as there would be no more.  God has not stopped leading the church as there are still more offices seen in this 11th verse of Ephesians chapter four, and we will be looking at the office of evangelists in our study today.


            John MacArthur writes “Evangelists” (euangelists) are men who proclaim good news.  The specific term evangelist is used only in this text in Ephesians; in Acts 21:8, where Philip is called an ‘evangelist’ (see Acts 8:4-40 for details on one of Philip’s evangelistic efforts); and in 2 Timothy 4:5, where Timothy is told to ‘do the work of an evangelist.’ But these limited references describe a vial, extensive, and far-reaching ministry, indicated by the use of the verb evangelizo (to proclaim the good news) 54 times and the noun euangelion (good news) 76 times.  God was the first evangelist, since He ‘preached the gospel beforehand’ (from proeuangelizomai; Gal. 3:8.) Even the angel evangelized (‘bring…good news,’ [from euangelizomai]) in announcing the birth of Christ (Luke 2:10).  Jesus evangelized in ‘preaching the gospel’ (Luke 20:1), as did the apostles in ‘preaching the word (Acts 8:4).”


            Now that we have all of the words used to describe evangelists we need to now look further into their function.  What are evangelists to do in our world today?  Well the word of the evangelist is to preach and also to explain the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ to those who have not yet believed.  His job is a proclaimer of the salvation by grace through faith in the Son of God.  It was in our prayer meeting last evening that our Pastor told us of a man who is dying of cancer and he had the opportunity to go and talk to him about Jesus Christ and what He has done for this man.  Tomorrow (Friday March 22) he has another appointment to go and to tell this man the good news that Jesus Christ took his place on the cross for him, and all he needs to do is to admit that he is a sinner, and that Christ has paid for all of his sins and then if all of this is sincere then he will be saved and from what we are told of him he will soon go to heaven and see his Savior.  That is doing the work of an evangelist.


            The connotation of an evangelist in our society today is a man with ten suits and ten sermons who runs a road show.  This is not the case as New Testament evangelists were missionaries and church planters which is much like the apostles, (however without the title and without the miraculous gifts).  They went where Christ was not named and the led people to faith in the Savior.  After that they taught the new believers the Word and built them up, and moved on to the next territory.  This certainly is the job that missionaries do in our world today.


            MacArthur adds “Timothy illustrates the fact that an evangelist can be identified with local churches in a prolonged ministry for the purpose of preaching and expounding the true gospel, in order to counter false teachers and their damning message and to establish sound doctrine of godliness.”


            As mentioned in the case of our Pastor in talking to this dying man about the good news these evangelists are uniquely designed and given to the church to reach the lost with the saving gospel.  Our Pastor is a very emotional man who has to wipe tears from his eyes many times as he preaches on Sundays, especially if we see someone come forward to receive the Lord as their Savior.  He has a wonderful heart for the lost and so in my eyes he is not only our preaching pastor, but also an evangelist, something that all true believers should be doing, that is sharing their faith with the lost.  All churches need evangelist to not only be active in the church, but also to send them out into different areas of the world as what we now call missionaries to tell others about Christ and the salvation he offers.


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  It is my prayer that the Lord will trust me to tell others about the good news of the gospel, and that He would give me divine appointments to share Christ with.  I need to be like what Peter talks about “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;” (1 Peter 3:15).


My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust that the Lord will, in His time continue to teach me the truths of Romans 12:3.


Today’s quotation:  “God’s promises are like stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine” (David Nocholas).


3/21/2019 9:03 AM

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