Sunday, November 13, 2022

PT-2 "The Principles Discussed" (Matt. 17:25b-27a)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 11/13/2022 7:55 AM


My Worship Time                                                             Focus:  PT-2 “The Principle Discussed”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                           Reference:  Matthew 17:25b-27a


            Message of the verses:  And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first, saying, "What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth collect customs or poll-tax, from their sons or from strangers?" 26 And upon his saying, "From strangers," Jesus said to him, "Consequently the sons are exempt. 27 “But, lest we give them offense,”


            It was when Peter answered "From strangers," Jesus” stated the corollary (result) truth "Consequently the sons are exempt.”  We mentioned in our last SD that in human governments of that day the family of the ruling person was exempt from paying taxes.


            Jesus did not end the argument there but went on, and if He had not then there would be believers today, and there are some, who say that they don’t have to pay taxes, but Jesus went on is saying ““But, lest we give them offense,” as Jesus told Peter, the tax was to be paid.  Clearly implied was the idea that it was not only to be paid in full but paid willingly without any argument.  If Jesus, being the Son of God, paid taxes, then as a believer today I must do the same.


            MacArthur concludes “Regardless of how unjust a tax is assessed or how blasphemously or irresponsibly it is sent, it is to be paid.  If the Son of God claimed no exemptions for Himself in paying taxes to the ‘den of thieves’ run by the wicked, false teachers and leaders of Israel, how much less can His followers claim exemption for themselves.   And if He was concerned about not giving offense to unbelievers over that issue, how much more should His followers have such concern.”  My answer to that is none.


11/13/2022 8:16 AM


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