Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ezekiel's Second Spoken Message PT-1 (Ezek. 7:1-9)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 11/20/2014 10:53 AM

My Worship Time                                          Focus:  Ezekiel’s Second Spoken Message PT-1

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Ezekiel 7:1-9

            Message of the verses:  Today we begin the last main section in the second chapter of Warren Wiersbe’s commentary on the book of Ezekiel, a section that has three sub-sections in it.  I will also give some quotes from Steward Briscoe’s commentary on Ezekiel which is entitled “All Things Weird and Wonderful.”  We will begin with an introduction to this main section.

            The seventh chapter is a difficult chapter to read, for it tells the story of when the Lord’s patience and long-suffering came to an end, and thus from our study of Jeremiah and also second Kings and second Chronicles we see that the Lord was going to destroy the land and many of the children of Israel.  God gave the children a marriage covenant at Mt. Sinai and they had broken this marriage covenant with him by worshiping idols which is the first commandment that God gave them to follow, and this goes against the attribute of God which is that God is a jealous God and will not stand for His people to worship idols whether stone, wood idols or idols that put things before the worship of God, things like money, sex, TV watching, things like that.  I was posting an older SD onto my blog today and the title of it is called “Idols.”  You can see that on the blog which will help to better understand a bit more about idols.  In that SD is a quote from Warren Wiersbe which says “The greatest judgment God can send to people is to let them have their own way.”  Let us say that a person has the idol of trying to make a lot of money, and he puts that before his worship of God, and he does not want to repent of this “idol” and so God allows him to continue which causes him to have a lot of stress, and he does not have time to go to the doctor to get help with this stress and so he ends up with a heart attack and is not able to continue his quest to make a lot of money.  This little story fits into this quote from Warren Wiersbe, and as we look at the nation of Israel we see that it was their desire to continue to worship idols, not repenting of this sin and so God allows and even plans to have the Babylonians attack them and to send many of them to their death, many to be exiles in Babylon, and many to die from the causes of war.

The End

I will begin with a couple of quotes from Steward Briscoe that meant a lot to me when I read them this morning:  “After years of patience and centuries of forbearing, the time had run out.  The Lord announced that it would be counterproductive for Him to give further opportunities for repentance.  The time had come when, in the Lord’s view, He would begin to undermine His justice if He continued to express His mercy.  The time had come for the Lord to do what He had been promising to do because if He held off any longer, people would assume He either didn’t mean what He said or couldn’t do what He promised.  For either of these things to happen would be a disaster of major proportions.  Better to pour out judgment on the unrepentant than to give opportunity to the unrepentant to think that the Omnipotent has become impotent.  Better to run the risk of God being castigated as a cruel God than have the people think that He must have died because He hasn’t done anything for so long.”


            “But do not fail to see that even at the point of the ‘end’ when God says, ‘All right, that’s it,’ He still warns before He act.  There is no such thing as the judgment of God without warning, and there is never judgment without evidence of mercy.  If the Book of Ezekiel in these early, difficult chapters reminds us of nothing else, it speaks forcibly to the fact of God’s remarkable dealings with the people He has made.  Dealings that are designed to draw them to Himself in life-styles of trust, love, and satisfaction, dealings that promise forgiveness and mercy even in the administration of justice and judgment.

            “In the middle of the statement the Lord announced Himself by a striking title, ‘Jehovah-makkeh’—the Lord who strikes (7:9)! John Taylor states ‘To hearers and readers who were used to the names of God like ‘Jehovah-jireh’ and ‘Jehovah-nissi’ it must have come home with tremendous force to have Him described as ‘Jehovah-makkeh’.  The Lord who had provided and protected was about to strike.’

            “In our need to for us to know that He is the Lord, we must never be allowed to forget that Jehovah is ‘makkeh’ as truly as He is ‘jireh’ and ‘nissi.’  To leave out any aspect of His revealed Being is to paint an unsatisfactory picture.  It’s rather like an artist determining to paint a woodland scene of light and shadow by arbitrarily deciding to use no black or grey and trying to portray the full glory of the scene with only pinks and greens.”

            I think that these were wise words from Steward Briscoe, and that is not surprising to me as I have heard him preach, and know that he was a successful pastor to the church he was pasturing in Wisconsin.   I am truly enjoying reading his commentary on the book of Ezekiel.

            I want to say a couple of things before I conclude this SD, and that is that I will go over the verses from Ezekiel 7:1-9 more in our next SD and the other thing I want to say is more difficult to understand and that is there are things we read about in the Word of God that are hard to understand.  There has been an argument between those who are called “Calvinists” and those who are called “Armenians” for a very long time.  The fact is that both are taught in the pages of Scripture and to try and understand this will cause you as John MacArthur says to “crawl under the bed reciting the Greek dictionary,” in other words we as humans cannot understand some of the things in the Bible.  Look for a moment at this verse:  “"The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law (Deu. 29:29.”   God is saying that the things that I have taught you I want you to obey the, but there are things that I have not made clear to you, things that are secret.  One of the definitions of this Hebrew word that is translated as “secret” is “to hide carefully,” and that should help us to understand that there are things that while we are in this body we will not understand. 

            The children of Israel were God’s people as we have stated before that God had a marriage covenant with them that took place at Mt. Sinai, and yet it was in the “plan” of God for all of this to happen to them.  God is sovereign and there are things He does that we will never understand this side of heaven, but we still have to believe them. One of the reasons, in fact probably the main reason that God through a miracle began the nation of Israel was that the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ would be born through this nation.  Just as Isaac was a miracle baby, so was the Lord Jesus Christ a miracle baby.  Jesus came into the world to fulfill what the will of the Father was for Him as He stated as a twelve year old that He came to do His Father’s will and then at the end as He was about to die He stated “it is finished.”  The word actually means “paid in full,” and that was the will of the Father to have His Son pay in full for the sins of those who would come to Him by grace through faith.  God, once again we state, is sovereign and will do what He wants to do in order to fulfill His plans for mankind, even having to destroy many of His children, the children of Israel.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today: If I, or for that matter, anyone else wants to get to know the Lord better we do, we have to study His attributes, and another good way to better know the Lord is to study His names.  I learned a new name of the Lord today, one I had never seen before ‘Jehovah-makkeh,’ the Lord who strikes.  Many people in our country do not even know much about the Lord, something that is new to our country, and in part it is because the Church in our country is not doing the job that they are suppose to do.  We are looking more and more like Judah, the Southern Kingdom, sitting down before our idols and worshiping them instead of worshiping the Lord.  We hear of the “health and wealth gospel,” which is far from the Gospel that is taught in the Bible, we even have many believers believing the “gap” theory, a theory that says that there was a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, which is another lie being taught by Satan.  It is my desire to believe all that the Bible teaches, especially all that the Bible teaches about who God is so that I can say with Paul in “Php 3:10  that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”  I have a long way to go.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  To know Him better and better.

Memory verse for the week:  2 Peter 1:1.

1 Simon Peter, a bond-servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours, by the righteousness of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ: 

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Ruth” (Ruth 1:16).

Today’s Bible question:  “To what city did the devil bring Jesus for one of his temptations?”

Answer in our next SD.

11/20/2014 12:51 PM




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