Monday, July 24, 2017

PT-1 The Life of Christ (Acts 2:22)


My Worship Time                                                                          Focus:  PT-1 The Life of Christ

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Acts 2:22

            Message of the verses:  “22 "Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know-“

            Peter confronts the “men of Israel” and asks them to listen to him as he speaks of Jesus the Nazarene and then tells them what God did through Him while He was on earth.  Jesus of Nazareth had died in their place for their sins and even though He had been rejected by most of Israel they could find salvation through what He did for them on the cross.

            Jesus of Nazareth is the name that Jesus went by and it was even found on His cross.  Jesus the Nazarene came from heaven to a small Galilean village to live as He grew up there helping His earth father in his carpenter shop until the time when He began His ministry.  Jesus of Nazareth who at this time when Peter was preaching about Him was now at the right hand of His Father interceding for His own as their High Priest.

            We want to look at the next phrase Peter uses here “a man attested” to them “by God.”  John MacArthur writes “Apodeiknumi (‘attested’) has various shades of meaning.  It is used in 1 Corinthians 4:9 to speak of exhibiting something. In Acts 25:7 it conveys the idea of proof.  Second Thessalonians 2:4 uses it in the sense of proclamation to high office.  All those shades of meaning are applicable to Jesus.  He was exhibited as God in human flesh, and that was confirmed by ‘many convincing proofs’ (Acts 1:3).  Finally, God ‘highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name’ (Phil. 2).  There is no higher office that that of Messiah, God’s anointed King.”

            Peter goes on to describe the means that God “attested” Jesus:  “miracles and wonders and signs.”  There are two things that critics of the Bible cannot deal with and therefore try to explain them away.  Miracles are the first one and prophecies are the second one.  John writes at the end of his gospel that if all that Jesus did would be recorded in books that there would not be enough paper to write it on.  Now I do believe John uses hyperbole when writing this, but the fact remains that not all of the miracles that Jesus did were recorded and we have many, many miracles that were recorded in the Word of God.  The people of His day could not deny the miracles that He did.  Now as far as prophecy I have said in an earlier SD that it is said that the odds of all of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled at His first coming were like spreading silver dollars six feet high throughout the entire state of Texas and asking someone to find on particular silver dollar.  Not going to happen for sure. 

            John MacArthur writes “It should come as no surprise if the God Who supernaturally created the universe should choose at times to supernaturally intervene in it.  Yet it is the claim of miracles that many in our culture find most objectionable in biblical Christianity.  The many attempts by rationalistic critics to invent the ‘historical’ (that is, nonmiraculous) Jesus have inevitably ended in frustration.  If the miracles are removed from His life, there is very little left.

            “Many would agree with the eighteenth-century British philosopher David Hume, who rejected the possibility of miracles.  Hume argued that since the laws of nature are uniform, and a miracle is by definition a violation of the laws of nature, miracles are impossible.  There is a fatal flaw in Hume’s argument, however.  C. S. Lewis writes,

‘Now of course we must agree with Hume that if there is absolutely ‘uniform experience’ against miracles, if in other words they have never happened, why then they never have.  Unfortunately we know the experience against them to be uniform only if we know that all the reports of them are false.  And we can know all the reports to be false only if we know already that miracles have never occurred.  In fact, we are arguing in a circle.’”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I happen to know of a miracle that happened to me on the 26th of January, 1974 and that miracle was the miracle of the new birth.  God is still doing miracles each and every day as His Spirit calls spiritually dead people to become alive in Christ Jesus.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  I trust that the Lord will use me to tell others about the great miracle of salvation as He leads people onto my path so I can talk to them.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “His glorious body” (Philippians 3:21).

Today’s Bible question:  “At the time of Jesus’ birth who was the king of Juda?”

Answer in our next SD.

7/24/2017 9:23 AM

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