Monday, October 29, 2018

PT-4 "The Method-Election" (Eph. 1:4-6a)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 10/29/2018 12:39 PM

My Worship Time                                                            Focus:  PT-4 “The Method—Election”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Ephesians 1:4-6a

            Message of the verses:  4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love 5 He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace,”

            I promised to quote from the book by J. I. Packer entitled “Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God” at the beginning of this SD.

“All Christians believe in divine sovereignty, but some are not aware that they do, and mistakenly imagine and insist that they reject it.  What causes this odd state of affairs?  The root cause is the same as in most cases of error in the Church—the intruding of rationalistic speculations, the passion for systematic consistency, a reluctance to recognize the existence of mystery and to let God be wiser than men, and a consequent subjecting of Scripture to the supposed demands of human logic.  People see the Bible teaches man’s responsibility for his actions; they do not see (man, indeed, cannot see) how this is consistent with the sovereign Lordship of God over those actions.  They are not content to let the two truths live side by side, as they do in Scriptures, but jump to the conclusion that, in order to uphold the biblical truth of human responsibility, they are bound to reject the equally biblical and equally true doctrine of divine sovereignty, and to explain away the treat number of texts that teach it.  The desire to over-simplify the Bible by cutting out the mysteries is natural to our perverse minds, and it is not surprising that even godly men should fall victim to it.  Hence this persistent and troublesome dispute.  The irony of the situation, however, is that when we ask how the two sides pray, it becomes apparent that those who profess to deny God’s sovereignty really believe in it just as strongly as those who affirm it.”

            One of the problems that people have with the teaching of election and the sovereignty of God is that they put God into a box.  What I mean by that is that they do not believe that a loving God would chose people for salvation before the foundation of the world.  I cannot answer as to why God does what He does all of the time, but in my mind I have to continue to look at the attributes of God and remember that God will never do anything against His attributes, which makes up His character, and His character is perfect.  So when you look at what the Bible teaches about election, and it does teach a lot as we have seen as we go through this section we must come to the conclusion that God choosing people before the foundation of the earth for salvation does not go against His attributes, in fact one of His attributes is His Sovereignty. 

            People do not or should I say cannot stand the tension, mystery, paradox, or antinomy, so all of us are inclined to adjust what the Bible teaches so that it will fit our own systems of order and consistency.  However this “presumptuous approach” is unfaithful to God’s Word and then that will lead us to confused doctrine and a weakened living.  This is not the only doctrine taught in Scripture that is apparently paradoxical to our limited minds.  John MacArthur gives the following examples:  “It is antinomous that Scripture itself is the work of human authors, yet the very words of God; that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man; that salvation is forever, yet saints must remain obedient and persevere to the end; that the Christian’s life is lived in total commitment and discipline of self, yet is all of Christ.  Such inscrutable truths are an encouragement that the mind of God infinitely surpasses the mind of man and are a great proof of the divine authorship of Scripture.  Humans writing a Bible on their own would have attempted to resolve such problem.

            “It is not that God’s sovereign election, or predestination, eliminates man’s choice in faith.  Divine sovereignty and human response are integral and inseparable parts of salvation—though exactly how they operate together only the infinite mind of God knows.

            “Nor is it, as many believe and teach, that God simply looks into the future to see which people are going to believe and then elects them to salvation.  Taken out of context, Romans 8:29 is often used to support that view.  But verse 28 makes it clear that those whom God foresees and predestines to salvation are those whom He has already ‘called according to His purpose.’  Any teaching that diminishes the sovereign, electing love of God by giving more credit to men also diminishes God’s glory, thus striking a blow at the very purpose of salvation.”

            The following is a quote from John Chadwick:

“I sought the Lord,

And afterwards I knew’ He moved my soul to seek Him,

Seeking me!

It was not that I found,

O Saviour true;

No, I was found by Thee.”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I am thankful, though I do not know why the Lord elected me for salvation in eternity past.  There is no way that I sought the Lord when He saved me as I was attempting to do something that was sinful, and yet God had other plans as His plans were for me to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of my life.

My Steps of Fait for Today:  Trust the Lord to allow me to tell others about this amazing gift of salvation so that they too can be saved and spend eternity in heaven with the Lord.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Golgotha” (Mark 15:22).

Today’s Bible question:  “Concerning whom did a group of Jews bind themselves under a curse that they would not eat or drink until they had killed him?”

Answer in our next SD.

10/29/2018 1:20 PM

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