Saturday, June 27, 2020

PT-4 "Being Salt" (Matt. 5:13)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 6/27/2020 10:23 AM


My Worship Time                                                                                   Focus:  PT-4 “Being Salt”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 5:13


            Message of the verses:  13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men.”


            It is my desire to finish this sub-section “Being Salt” in this SD this morning. I realize that this has been a long section to look at but I believe that it was surely worth taking the time to look at it. 


            Being a child of God it is important to remember that we are the temples of the Holy Spirit, as Christians represent God’s presence here on earth.  Christians are the salt that prevents the entire earth from degenerating even more rapidly than it is at this time.  As I think about all the troubles that are happening in our country I have to believe that if it were not for believers in this country that things would be far worse.  All I have to do is read from the book of Revelation in chapters 6-19 to find out what it will be like without the church in the world.


            John MacArthur tells the story of a lady from Scotland which I will quote at this time.  “Helen Ewing was saved as a young girl in Scotland and gave her life completely to the lordship of Christ.  When she died at the age of twenty-two it is said that all Scotland wept.  She had expected to serve God as a missionary in Europe and had become fluent in the Russian language.  But she was not able to fulfill that dream.  She had no obvious gifts such as speaking or writing, and she had never traveled far from home.  Yet by the time she died she had won hundreds of people to Jesus Christ.  Countless missionaries mourned her death because they knew that a great channel of their spiritual strength was gone.  She had risen every morning at five in order to study God’s Word and to pray.  Her diary revealed that she regularly prayed for over three hundred missionaries by name.  Everywhere she went the atmosphere was changed.  If someone was telling a dirty story, he would stop if he saw her coming.  If people were complaining, they would become ashamed of it in her presence.  An acquaintance reported that while she was at Glasgow University she left the fragrance of Christ wherever she went.  In everything she said and did she was God’s salt.”


            A wonderful story of a girl who was filled with the Holy Spirit and was herself salt, something that any believer would like to be like.


            Our next sub-section will be entitled “Being Light” and that section is not nearly as long as the one we just finished. 


6/27/2020 10:41 AM

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