Wednesday, July 15, 2020

PT-2 "The Permanence of Scripture" (Matt. 5:18)



My Worship Time                                                     Focus:  PT-2 “The Permanence of Scripture”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 5:18


            Message of the verse:  18 Indeed, I assure you that, while Heaven and earth last, the Law will not lose a single dot or comma until its purpose is complete.”


            As we begin let us look at the phrase “not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law” stating that “The smallest letter” translates the word iota, which is the smallest letter of the Greek alphabet.  MacArthur writes “T o Jesus’ Jewish hearers it would have represented the yodh, the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet, which looks something like an apostrophe.  A ‘stroke’ (keraia) literally means ‘little horn’ and refers to the small marks that help distinguish one Hebrew letter from another.  It was a small extension of a letter similar to a serif in modern typefaces.


            “In other words, not only will the smallest letter not be erased, but even the smallest part of a letter will not be erased ‘from the law.’  Not even the tiniest, seemingly most insignificant, part of God’s Word will be removed or modified ‘until all is accomplished.’


            While we were looking at Matthew 5:17 we learned that Jesus brought to completion all the judicial and ceremonial law and certain parts of the moral law, such as Sabbath observance.  However God’s basic moral law was centered in the Ten Commandments and this is still every bit as valid today as when God gave it to Moses at Mt. Sinai.  It was during our Lord’s ministry on earth, His death, resurrection, and also His ascension that Jesus fulfilled many of the prophecies of the Old Testament.  I can’t help but think of the last part of the 9th chapter of the book of Daniel to think of most of that prophecy that Jesus fulfilled.  There certainly are others that come to mind like the prophecies found in Isaiah 53 and 53 along with Psalm 22.  The prophecy of the coming of the Holy Spirit would be fulfilled later on as we get to Acts chapter 2.  However there are other prophecies that come from both the Old and New Testament that are yet to be fulfilled, and I certainly can think of one that is near and dear to my heart and should be near and dear to all believer’s hearts, and that would be the Rapture of the Church.  There are also man prophecies found in the 24th chapter of Matthew along with Revelation chapters 6-22 that are to be fulfilled, as these all relate to the end times.  As we think about all these to be fulfilled we can be sure that without smallest exception that every commandment, every prophecy, every figure and symbol and type would be accomplished.


            There is no other statement that is made by our Lord that clearly states His absolute contention that Scripture is verbally inerrant, totally without error in the original form in which God gave it.  That is, Scripture is God’s very own Word not only down to every single written word, but to every letter and also the smallest part of every letter.  As you think about God and the attributes that He has can you not wonder why this is true, for God is perfect and can never make a mistake and so that means His Word is perfect down to the smallest little part of a letter.


            MacArthur writes “Fulfill’ in verse 17 has the idea of completion, of filling up.  Accomplished (from ginomai) has the similar meaning of becoming or taking place.  Arthur Pink comments, ‘Everything in the Law must be fulfilled [or accomplished]: not only its prefigurations and prophecies, but its precepts and penalty: fulfilled, first, personally and vicariously, by and upon the Surety; fulfilled, a second and evangelically, in and by His people; and fulfilled, third, in the doom of the wicked, who shall experience its awful curse forever and ever.  Instead of Christ’s being opposed to the law of God, He came here to magnify it and render it honourable…And rather than His teachings being subversive thereof, they confirmed and enforced it.’”  Pinks comments came from his book “An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount.” 


            Jesus Christ, while on earth referred to the Old Testament some sixty-four times, and always as authoritative truth.  When Jesus was defending His messiahship and divinity before the unbelieving Jewish leaders in the temple he stated “The Scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). 


            Message of the verse:  In looking at what Jesus has to say about God’s Law and how all will be fulfilled I can’t help but think of the greatness of God, and how all of these things were figured out even before that world was created, and I certainly look forward to those prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled to be fulfilled.  I think about being transformed into the clouds to meet my Lord in the air, I think of the horrors of the Tribulation Period, yet with many, many people coming to know the Lord, I think of returning to earth with my Lord as described in Revelation chapter nineteen, and then working for my Lord during the 1000 year kingdom that will happen in fulfillment to Old Testament prophecies.  I also think of the time right before the earth along with all the universe will be destroyed that there will be a judgment for the loss when all those who have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord will be judged and then sent into hell for eternity, and then I think of being a part of the New Jerusalem and living for eternity with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust that all that I read and study from the Word of God will be used by me to reach others for the cause of Christ.  That God will continue to use the Spiritual Diaries to go around the world.


7/15/2020 9:29 AM

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