Friday, October 13, 2023

PT-3 "Intro to Matt. 23:13-33)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 10/13/2023 9:12 AM


My Worship Time                                                         Focus:  PT-3 “Intro to Matthew 23:13-33”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                     Reference: Matt. 23:13-33


            Message of the verses:  Once again I am not going to put all of these verses onto this SD, but by looking at the first SD (PT-1) you can read them.


            We looked at the first 12 verses of Matthew 23 recently and found out that Jesus declared that the scribes and Pharisees, typical of all false spiritual leaders, were without authority, without integrity, without sympathy, without spirituality, without humility, and therefore without
God’s approval or blessing. He is now speaking to them directly as He asserts they are under God’s harshest condemnation.  Why do you think that this true?  I think that because these false teachers are teaching false things to people who are blindly following them that they all will end up in hell.


            MacArthur writes “In verses 13-33 Jesus pronounces seven curses, or woes, on those wicked leaders.  If verse 14 were included there would be eight woes, but that verse is not found in the best early manuscripts of Matthew (as indicated by its being set off by brackets in the NASB text).  It was added later by a well-meaning copyist who picked it up from Mark 12:40 OR Luke 20:47.  Although the statement is genuine, it will not be discussed here, because originally it was not likely a part of this passage.


            “The scene in the Temple that day had become volatile in the extreme, in some ways more volatile than when Jesus had cast out the merchants and moneychangers that day before.  At that time Jesus’ anger was vented against what the religious leaders were doing outwardly, and that attack had outraged them (21:16, 23).  Now, however, He attacked what they were inwardly, and that infuriated them even more.


            “In our day of tolerance and eclecticism, the kind of confrontation Jesus had with the scribes and Pharisees seems foreign and uncharitable.  A person who speaks too harshly against a false religion or unbiblical teaching or movement is considered unkind, ungracious, and judgmental.  Jesus’ indictments in Matthew 23, as well as in other parts of the gospels, are so inconsistent with the idea of Christian love held by some liberal theologians and Bible scholars, for example, that they conclude He could not have spoken them.  What Jesus really said, they maintain, was modified and intensified either by the gospel writers or the sources from whom they received their information.


            “But the nature of Jesus’ condemnation of those corrupt religious leaders is perfectly consistent with the rest of Scripture, both the Old Testament and the New.  Not only that, but Jesus’ words in this passage fly from His lips, as someone has said like claps of thunder and spears of lightning.  Out of His mouth on this occasion came the most fearful and dreadful statements that Jesus uttered on earth.  They do not give the least impression of being the afterthought of an overzealous writer or copyist.


            “Matthew 23 is one of the most serious passages in Scripture.  Jesus here makes the word hypocrite a synonym for scribe and for Pharisee.  He calls them sons of hell, blind guides, fools, robbers, self-indulgent, whitewashed tombs, full of hypocrisy and lawlessness, serpents, vipers, and persecutors and murderers of God’s people. He uttered every syllable with absolute self-control but with devastating intensity.


            “Yet Jesus was never cold or indifferent, even toward His enemies, and on this occasion His judgment is mingled with sorrow and deep pathos.  It is not the Son’s will any more than the Father’s that a single person perish, because it is the gracious divine desire that everyone would come to repentance and salvation (2 Pet. 3:9).  At the end of His denunciation, Jesus extended by implication another last invitation for belief, suggesting that He would still gladly gather any unbelievers under His wings of a mother hen gathers her chicks, if only they would be willing (Matt. 23:37).”


            I find it best when there are these very long introductions in MacArthur’s commentaries to just quote them.  It is my goal for people who read these Spiritual Diaries to have the truth be taught and if that means to quote longer sections from the author that I am using as references then that is the way that I will do this.  Each day after I post my Spiritual Diaries onto my blogs I pray very specifically for five things.  I pray for the salvation of souls, the growth of believers, that revival would happen to believers, that the Holy Spirit would continue to send these around the world, and that if it is the will of the Lord that the Holy Spirit would give an effectual call to the very last person in the Church age to receive Christ after reading one of these Spiritual Diaries.  I also ask that God would bless those who read these Spiritual Diaries and that He would be blessed by those who read them.  I believe that God is blessing the writing of these Spiritual Diaries as this year there have been almost as many of them read as in the first eleven years since I began these blogs.  I can only say that it is all of the Lord, and I am thankful for that.


10/13/2023 9:50 AM



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