Monday, July 29, 2024

Evening SD For 07-29-2024




            I have not been writing two Spiritual Diaries in a day since the end of 2016, and the reason that I did it then was because I had a strong desire to study the book of Colossians.  Now I desire to do this again and there are several reasons for me wanting to do this which I will explain.  First of all I have to say that it has to do with me teaching Sunday school in the fall, beginning in September.  At the end of May of this year I told the small group of believers in my Sunday school class that I would not be returning to teach the class in the fall.  I am getting older now and it makes things a bit more difficult to get the lessons together and so I thought it would be best if I stopped teaching.  It was about that time when I began to put my older Spiritual Diaries on the book of Colossians.  I put them onto the second blog that I write, and as I was doing this it seems to me that the Lord was using this to teach it in my Sunday school class.  I spoke to most of the people about this and they were happy to return to the class in the fall. 


            I then spent about 5-6 weeks going over my older Spiritual Diaries on Colossians so that I can put them into a booklet form so that is what I will use to teach the class.  Yesterday I spoke with one of my friends at church, a ninety year old former Pastor about reading over this booklet to see if he thought that there were some spelling errors or other mistakes in it.  Once I get his corrected copy back I will then fix the mistakes and put it into some kind of booklet form so that all the people in the class will have one.  I think that there were about 285 pages that were in this “first copy” of the booklet on Colossians. 


            I have to say that this seems a bit easier for me to be able to teach our class, and as I was looking at my book shelf I found a commentary from John MacArthur on the letters of first, second, and third John.  I thought that once I get done with Colossians and then Philemon that I would then began to teach form those three letters.  Here is a kind of a problem that I have and it has to do with my study of the gospel of Matthew, which I have been studying and posting onto my blog for over five years.  I probably have at least a couple of months to go before I finish that study and so it is my desire to study these wonderful letters and then, Lord willing to teach them after Colossians and Philemon.  My thoughts were to begin this study in the evenings until I get done with Matthew and then go back to just doing one Spiritual Diary in the morning like I have been doing.


            It is my desire to begin looking at the introduction to these three letters tomorrow evening with several SD’s on introductions to First John.  I hope that what I am writing is clear and I look forward to studying these three letters from the pen of John.


7/29/2024 11:07 PM

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