Tuesday, July 16, 2024

PT-1 "The Contrast Between the Hypocrisy of men and the Prophecy of God" (Matt. 27:6-10)




My Worship Time       Focus: PT-1 “The Contrast between the Hypocrisy of men and the prophecy of God.”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                Reference:  Matthew 27:6-10


            Message of the verses:  6 The chief priests took the pieces of silver and said, "It is not lawful to put them into the temple treasury, since it is the price of blood." 7 And they conferred together and with the money bought the Potter’s Field as a burial place for strangers. 8 For this reason that field has been called the Field of Blood to this day. 9 Then that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled: "AND THEY TOOK THE THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER, THE PRICE OF THE ONE WHOSE PRICE HAD BEEN SET by the sons of Israel; 10 AND THEY GAVE THEM FOR THE POTTER’S FIELD, AS THE LORD DIRECTED ME.’”


            I realize that people, many people do not believe the Bible, and probably most of those who don’t believe the Bible have never read it, or read very little of it.  I have mentioned in many of my Spiritual Diaries that the Lord used prophecy in leading me to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  The Bible has so much prophecy in it that has already been fulfilled, especially when it comes to the first coming of Christ.  I am truly amazed of the prophecy that is spoken of in this section of Scripture, and the thing that I am amazed about is “THE THIRTY PIECES OF SILVER,” as Jeremiah prophesized of this many, many years before this happened.  I believe that I mentioned that this was the price of a slave in that time, which was all that Judas received when he identified Jesus to the high priests and other Jewish leaders, and Jeremiah spoke of this exact amount.  Prophecy is one of the things that is found in the Word of God to show those who read it that the Word of God is true, and if the Word of God is true about events like this one then it is also true when it talks about sin, salvation, and sanctification.  When Adam sinned he sinned with his eyes wide open and because of that he was the first along with his wife Eve to receive the sin nature, and because Adam did this with his eyes wide open the sin nature is passed on through the male, and that is the reason for the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.  His birth was perfect and His life and death were also perfect and His death was to pay for every sin every committed, and that means everyone’s sins, but the truth is that a person has to confess that they are sinner, that they were born sinners and are in need of salvation.  Once that is done then the next step is to thank the Lord Jesus Christ for taking their place on the cross to pay for their sins, and then to invite Him into your life to save you.  Then comes the sanctification part which means that you are now set apart to serve Him, and when believers get to heaven they will be fully sanctified, as there certainly is a battle that happens on planet earth for believers while living here.  A battle between good and evil but after a person is saved they will receive the Holy Spirit to live within them to help them with this battle, He will also help them to understand the Word of God as they read and study it. 


            Let me just start to talk about these verses and then hopefully finish this SD tomorrow, Lord willing.


            MacArthur writes “Because the chief priests were forced to take back the pieces of silver, they had to devise a way to dispose of it.  After their unjust and despicable treatment of Jesus, one wonders why they suddenly become concerned about legal propriety.  They knew it was not lawful to put the money into the temple treasury, since it was the price of blood, and for some hypocritical reason they decided to honor that particular restriction.  But by admitting it was blood money they condemned themselves out of their own mouths.  By definition, the price of blood referred to money illegitimately paid and received to falsely convict a man of a crime the led to his execution.  Strangely and perversely, the chief priests and elders had no compunction about taking the money out of the Temple treasury to pay Judas for the betrayal, but now they had qualms about putting it back.  In doing so, they testified before the world to their guilt and hypocrisy.  It is interesting to note how callous and unfeeling they were about their crime, in contrast to the overwhelming agony of Judas that drove him to kill himself in a vain attempt to relieve his guilt.”


7/16/2024 9:51 AM

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