Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Questions without Answers PT-1 (Eccl. 6:10-12)

My Worship Time                                                                  Focus:  Questions without Answers
Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Eccl. 6:10-12
            Message of the verses:  “10  Whatever happens, happens. Its destiny is fixed. You can’t argue with fate.  11 The more words that are spoken, the more smoke there is in the air. And who is any better off? 12  And who knows what’s best for us as we live out our meager smoke-and-shadow lives? And who can tell any of us the next chapter of our lives?  (The Message)
“10  Whatever exists has already been named, and it is known what man is; for he cannot dispute with him who is stronger than he is.11 For there are many words which increase futility. What then is the advantage to a man? 12  For who knows what is good for a man during his lifetime, during the few years of his futile life? He will spend them like a shadow. For who can tell a man what will be after him under the sun?”  (NASB95)
We will begin to look at the third mystery from chapter six, and that mystery is about questions that do not have answers.  Because of the lateness of the hour I will only begin to look at this subject, just giving it more or less and introduction and them, Lord willing, we will look at five different questions that people often ask that are found in these three verses.
Now we have looked at life as if it was on a dead end street by looking at two mysteries, riches without enjoyment, and then labor without satisfaction, and the question is asked why these two things can’t make us happy.  Solomon is point out that true happiness is not as automatic for just because you are rich does not mean you will automatically be happy, or just because you enjoy your work doesn’t mean that your entire life will be happy.  Dr. Wiersbe writes “If you devote your life only to the pursuit of happiness, you will be miserable; however, if you devote your life to doing God’s will, you will find happiness as well.”
Solomon was not through looking at mysteries for he knew that there was a third kind of person, a person who requires answer to all of life’s questions.  Solomon was not condemning this kind of person for after all he was doing the same thing and recorded it in the book we are now studying.  Dr. Wiersbe writes that Solomon was really saying “There are some questions about life that nobody can answer.  But our ignorance must not be used as an excuse for skepticism or unbelief.  Instead, our ignorance should encourage us to have faith in God.  After all, we don’t live on explanations; we live on promises.” 
There is an example of someone asking God a lot of questions and not getting an answer to his questions.  That person was Job and he asked God many questions that God never answered, and the reason was that knowledge in the mind does not guarantee healing in the heart.  We get that when we put our faith in the promises of God. 
God can use our questions to draw people to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ.  I know because I had a lot of questions before the Lord saved me, and those questions were answered when I received Christ as my Savior.  I wanted to know how I could be sure I was going to heaven and that answer was answered.  I wanted to know how the end of the world was going to happen and that answer was answered.  God in His mercy and grace saved me from my sins and then in that process answered my questions.  I still have many questions that may not get answered until I get to heaven, but that is okay for I know who has the answers to my questions and that makes it okay.
Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I can see the grace and mercy of God in this section and also I can see the wisdom of God in this section, along with His power.
My Steps of Faith for Today:  As the Lord took care of my IBS this morning when I had to go and do an errand of mercy, I pray that He will do the same tomorrow as I have some things to do earlier in the morning than I normally do things, and also that is the case for Saturday morning too.
Memory verses for the week:  2 Cor. 5:17-19
            17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old has passed away; behold, new things have come.  18  Now all these things re from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.
Answer to yesterday’s Bible Question:  “Second John.”
Today’s Bible Question:  “Name two of the six peoples whose land Israel was to receive?”
Answer in tomorrow’s SD.
5/14/2013 8:13 PM

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