Sunday, September 21, 2014

Living Lessons from Lamentations


            I mentioned in our last SD that the SD we will be doing for today will be different in that I want to quote the last portion from Warren Wiersbe’s commentary on Lamentations.

“Living Lessons”

            “The Book of Lamentations vividly presents to us some important lessons that God’s people must learn and never forget.


1.      Privilege brings responsibility, and responsibility involves accountability.

2.      God is longsuffering, but there comes a time when He must chasten His people.

3.      When the blessings He gives are taken for granted and used selfishly, He takes those blessings from us.  To enjoy the gifts but ignore the Giver is idolatry.

4.      God is always faithful to the terms of His covenant, either to bless because we have obeyed, or to chasten because we have not.

5.      When parents sin, the children also suffer.

6.      When spiritual leaders refuse to hear and obey God’s Word, they lead their followers into sin and judgment.

7.      It’s possible to declare God’s Word faithfully and never see the Lord change the hearts of sinners.  Jeremiah was faithful for over forty years, yet the nation became more and more wicked.

8.      Jeremiah was a man with a broken heart, a man who suffered much; yet he was rewarded by being identified with Jesus (Matt. 16:13-14).  Jeremiah’s ministry may not have been ‘successful’ as we measure success, but his character became more and more Christlike, ‘conformed to the image of His Son’ (Rom. 8:29).”


Spiritual meaning for my life today:  There is much to learn from these eight lessons that are spoken of from the book of Lamentations, much to go over in my mind and ponder on in order to make my life more pleasing to the Lord.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  I want to remember the lessons that I have learned from my study in the book of Lamentations, and remember these eight lessons from Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Macedonia” (1 Thessalonians 4:10).

Today’s Bible question:  “Who was with Paul and Silas in Berea?”

Answer in our next SD.

9/21/2014 8:55 AM


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