Tuesday, July 24, 2018

PT-1 "The Courage of Conviction Knows Its Purpose" (Acts 21:1-3)


My Worship Time                  Focus:  PT-1 “The Courage of Conviction Knows Its Purpose”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Acts 21:1-3

            Message of the verses:  “1  When we had parted from them and had set sail, we ran a straight course to Cos and the next day to Rhodes and from there to Patara; 2 and having found a ship crossing over to Phoenicia, we went aboard and set sail. 3 When we came in sight of Cyprus, leaving it on the left, we kept sailing to Syria and landed at Tyre; for there the ship was to unload its cargo.”

            We are back to the “we” in this section telling us that Luke is along with Paul and others, and we are back to a sea voyage.  It has been years ago when I was attending Founders Week at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois that I remember hear one of the Pastors who was preaching there say something to the effect that Luke could really write about a sea voyage and as we see from this section he gives very descriptive details of this voyage that he, Paul, and other missionaries had.

            I will mention that this SD will not be very long due to the fact that I had cataract surgery on my right eye yesterday afternoon and it takes a while for the eye to clear up so that I can see well enough to be able to read and type so we will get a far as we can today for this topic.

            We briefly mentioned a number of OT saints who had the courage of conviction in our last SD, and among them were Joshua and Caleb, along with Deborah, David, and also Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.  All of these people, and probably many more showed their courage of conviction as they were doing things that they truly believed that the Lord wanted them to do to bring glory to His name.  It is not clear to us how long that Paul had been thinking that the Lord wanted him to go to Jerusalem, but it must have been a while, and I am sure that knowing Paul as we have begun to know him through the book of Acts and some of the other gospels that he wrote that he had spent much time in prayer to the Lord in order to know that this was what the Lord wanted him to do, and so that is why he continued to press on to go up to Jerusalem. 

            As we begin chapter twenty-one we see that Luke mentions for the last time the emotional reminder of Paul leaving the leaders of the Ephesian church.  We could see from our last several SD’s that this was not only a very emotional time for Paul, but also for those leaders that Paul had spent three years with, and especially when Paul told them that they would never see his face again, and as a result all went through an emotional time.  Verse one uses the word “parted” in the beginning of it and John MacArthur writes “Apospao) “aparted” which means ‘to tear away’ (cf. 20:30; Luke 22:31), shows the trauma of that parting.  So great was the Ephesian elders’ love for him that Paul literally ad to tear himself away from his sorrowing friends.”

            I can tell a story that happened to me and also my wife that has some similarities with this one.  My wife and I from September 7, 2004 to the 16th of March of 2005 lived in the country of Aruba.  I remember when it got time for us to leave Aruba that I was traveling into the company where I was working and I was wondering a few weeks before as I drove through the gate how many times would I still be driving through that gate.  You see my wife and I had grown close to a number of people who we worshiped with while living there, people from different walks of life and we were very fond of them, loving them as brothers and sisters in Christ.  I had even had the privilege of preaching to them on a number of occasions, something that I had never done before, but felt the Lord leading me to do so while there.  On the second to last week I had that privilege telling them what brought me to Aruba, telling them about how we had the privilege of leading many neighbor’s to the Lord through a very difficult challenge that we were going through as the Lord was giving us blessings in the storm of life through leading many members of a family to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  At the end of the message the entire small congregation stood and applauded after telling them what God had done in bringing many in that family to a saving knowledge of Christ.  Needless to say I was a bit embarrassed, and yet in my own way I knew that the applause was for the Lord, for the grace He had given to those in that family.  The next week my wife and I were asked to come to the front of the church in order to let the church family we were leaving and that was a very painful time for us too, knowing that we would not see any of these brothers and sisters for a long time.  We did return in April of 2007, but by them many of the same crowd was not there.  Leaving a situation like that was very emotional for my wife and I, and so I can understand a bit of what happened to Paul and the Ephesian leaders when Paul left.  With that we will continue to look at this section from Acts 21 in our next SD.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I am thankful for having had the privilege of knowing different believers from different walks of life.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust the Lord as He continues to heal my eye from the surgery that I had yesterday, and being thankful to Him for leading me and also my wife to the doctor who did the surgery.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Athens” (Acts 17:22-23).

Today’s Bible question:  “Who hired Balaam to curse Israel?”

Answer in our next SD.

7/24/2018 7:51 AM  


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