Wednesday, December 5, 2018

PT-2 "Understanding the Greatness of God's Plan" from Eph. 1:18

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 12/5/2018 10:27 AM

My Worship Time                              Focus:  PT-2 “Understanding the Greatness of God’s Plan”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Ephesians 1:18

            Message of the verses:  18  I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,”

            We have been talking about believers having their eyes and their hearts opened to understand what is the hope of His calling, and what are the riches of His inheritance.  We have been looking at that important word “inheritance” a lot as we have been looking at Ephesians chapter one, and it is an important thing for us to understand what our (believers) inheritance is all about. 


            There is a wonderful story in the last chapter of the book of Luke that illustrates what we have been talking about.  I have often wondered what it would have been like to be one of the disciples that Jesus was talking to on the Emmaus road.  Not sure if one of them was Luke or not, but at any rate these two men were disciples of Jesus and as they walked that lonely road soon after the death of Jesus they were sorrowful to be sure.  Along comes Jesus who began to explain to them from the Old Testament why the Messiah had to die, but they could not understand Him or who He was.  All of a sudden at supper their eyes were opened and they knew they had been talking to the Savior, and they knew why He had to die.

            John MacArthur writes “The first thing for which Paulvprays is that believers ‘be enlightened’ about the greatness of God’s plan.  In the most comprehensive of terms, the apostle asks that they be given understanding of ‘the hope of His calling’ and ‘the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.’  He prays for God to enlighten them about the magnificent truths of election, predestination, adoption, redemption, forgiveness, wisdom and insight, inheritance, and sealing and pledge of the Holy Spirit about which he has just been instructing them (vv. 3-14).

            “Thos truths summarize God’s master plan for the redemption of mankind, His eternal plan to bring men back to Himself through His own Son, thereby making them His children.  Now that they belonged to Christ by faith (v. 13), Paul’s supreme desire was for the Ephesian believers to fully realize what their new identity meant.  ‘You were no afterthought of God,’ he says ‘God not only chose to save you, but He chose to save you eons before you existed, eons before you would have opportunity by His grace to choose Him.  That is who you are.”

            As true believers in Jesus Christ we have to comprehend who we truly are in Him, for without that it is impossible to live an obedient and fulfilling life for the cause of Christ until we know these truths.  I probably have mentioned a sermon that I heard many, many years ago and even though I don’t remember all that was in it I do remember the title “Becoming What You Are,” and that is what Paul is talking about here as God looks down upon us and truly knows what we are in Christ, He wants us to know this in order to live a life that will please Him.  What we are talking about here is what is called our heavenly citizenship, and we need to live here on earth like what we are, citizens of heaven.  We have to be so heavenly minded that we are earthly good.

            Romans 8:28 tells us “For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren;  being predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son is the hope of His calling.  This surely will happen and fulfilled in His kingdom, but as seen here we need to understand it, having our eyes opened to live it out through the power of the Holy Spirit here on earth.  MacArthur adds “The fullness of that hope will be experienced when we receive the supreme ‘riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.’  It is truth too magnificent for words to describe, which is why even God’s own revelation requires the illumination of His Spirit in order for believers even to begin to understand the marvelous magnitude of the blessing of salvation that exist in the sphere of the saints.”

            He goes on to write “Our being glorious children of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ of all God possesses is consummation and end of salvation promised from eternity past and held in hope until the future manifestation of Christ.  There is nothing more to seek, nothing more to be given or received.   We have it all now, and we will have it throughout eternity.”

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Continue to learn the inheritance that I have in Jesus Christ.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “14 years” (2 Corinthians 12:2).

Today’s Bible question:  “The apostles told the high priest that God has exalted Jesus to what two things?”

Answer in our next SD.

12/5/2018 10:58 AM 

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