Friday, June 28, 2019

2nd Intro to Eph. 5:18a

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 6/28/2019 11:50 AM


My Worship Time                                                                  Focus:  PT-2 “Intro to Eph. 5:18a”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Eph. 5:18a


            Message of the verse:  Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery” (NIV).And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation” (NASB95).


            I looked up the different Greek words found in this section of verse eight and found that “Do not get” and then “drunk” are the same Greek word.  “1) To intoxicate, make drunk 2) to get drunk, become intoxicated.”  The next Greek word in this passage is “wine” “1) wine

2) metaph. fiery wine of God’s wrath.”  Then we have one more Greek word for “debauchery” in the NIV and then “dissipation” from the NASB95.  “1) an abandoned, dissolute life 2) profligacy, prodigality.”  Synonyms for “profligacy” are “wastefulness” “dissolution” and also “licentiousness” among a few.  Synonyms for “prodigality” are “lavishness” dissipation, and extravagance.”  Meaning of the word is “excessive spending.”  I hope this will add some insight into this partial verse.


            John MacArthur writes at the very beginning of his commentary on this verse the following:  The verse which these words introduce is one of the most crucial texts relating to Christian living, to walking ‘in a manner worthy of the calling with which [we] have been called” (4:1).  Begin controlled by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for living the Christian life by God’s standards.  God’s way cannot be properly understood or faithfully followed apart from the working of the Spirit in the life of a believer.


            “But before Paul commanded us to ‘be filled with the Spirit’ and gave the characteristics of the Spirit-filled life (vv. 18b-21), he first gave a contrasting and negative command, ‘and do not get drunk with wine.’  Getting drunk with wine not only is a hindrance to, but a counterfeit of, being filled with the Spirit.  In light of the apostle’s preceding contrasts between light and darkness (vv. 8-14) and between wisdom and foolishness (vv. 15-17), his point here is that getting drunk is a mark of darkness and foolishness and that being filled with the Spirit is the source of a believer’s being able to walk in light and wisdom.”


            As one thinks about church history there are a number of things that come up that have caused disagreements with believers in the church.  One of them is music, and another one is drinking alcohol.  I remember talking to a missionary who ministered in Italy about where or not people in his church drank wine and he said that this was a part of their life style and the certainly did drink wine.  I have to think that although they drank wine that they did not get drunk. 


            In the church that I use to attend and the one that I attend now we have in our covenant not to drink alcohol as a beverage.  It also talks about not doing drugs.  I have to admit that I do from time to time have a glass of wine when I cannot sleep, which I do consider as a type of medicine to aid me in getting to sleep.  There were times in my life, especially after coming home from my job in a foundry when the temperature would reach well over 100 degrees for an entire shift that I would drink a couple of beers to try and get some liquids into my system.  I have a problem with what is in our church covenant yet I do my best to follow it because the church that I go to is a wonderful church and I desire to continue to go there. 


            In our next SD, God willing, we will look at the subject “Scripture always condemns drunkenness.”  I have mentioned that I will try to be brief as we move through the different sections we will be looking at concerning the drinking of wine and alcohol. 


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  As for me not being able to drink wine or alcohol has not really been a problem for me even though I do like the taste of a beer now and then, especially when it is hot outside, but as mentioned I rarely do this because of our church covenant.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  I desire to continue to think and learn about humility and also heaven.  One must be humble in order to get to heaven.


Today’s verse that goes along with yesterday’s quotation from Charles Swindoll is from Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”


6/28/2019 12:30 PM  

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