Sunday, August 4, 2019

PT-2 "The Necessary Foundation" (Eph. 5:21)



My Worship Time                                                      Focus:  PT-2 “The necessary Foundation”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Ephesians 5:21


            Message of the verse:  and be subject to one another in the fear of Christ.”


            We continue to look at the transition between what we have been looking at about begin filled with the Spirit and then the things that will happen to us when we are filled with the Spirit as we will see in verses 5:22-6:9. 


            In John MacArthur’s commentary he spends a lot of time talking about marriage in the beginning of this chapter that we are looking at, and talks about things like how easily it is for believers to get a divorce and the fact that the church in most cases does not look at this as being a big problem because it happens so often.  Things are much different in the church in our country at this time as compared to 50 years ago, and things are not very good as far as following things that the Bible has to say about marriage and even having children.  It is not uncommon for believers to live together with one another before getting married, and this kind of thing happening in the church 50 years ago hardly ever happened.  Bottom line is that the church in our country is becoming worldlier and as we look around at things that are happening in our country and around the world we see the fall out of now following what the Bible has to say. 


             John MacArthur writes “God will forgive, cleanse, and restore the repentant believer, but He does not change His standards of righteousness and purity and does not promise to remove the often tragic consequences of disobedience.  If the church seeks to accommodate those divine standards to the foolishness and sinfulness of its own members, it not only offends and grieves God but undercuts its testimony to the world.  If marriage cannot be right in the church it can hardly be right in the world, any more than it was in Paul’s day.”


            He writes latter “Families are the building block of human society, and a society that does not protect the family undermines its very existence.  When the family goes everything else of value soon goes with it.  When the cohesiveness, meaningfulness, and discipline of the family are lost, anarchy will flourish.  And when anarchy flourishes, law, justice, and safety cannot.  The family nourishes and binds society together, whereas the anarchy that results from its absence only depletes, disrupts, and destroys.


            “The unredeemed can benefit greatly from following God’s basic principles for the family, but the full power and potential of those principles cann be understood and practiced by those who belong to Him by faith in His Son.  Paul speaks to the Ephesians as fellow Christians, and apart from the divine life and resources that only Christians possess, but principles for marriage and the family that he gives in this letter are out of context and thus limited benefit.  The basic principle of being subject to one another finds its power and effectiveness only in ‘the fear of the Christ.’ The family can only be what God has designed it to be when the members of the family are what God has designed them to be—‘conformed to the image of His Son’ (Rom. 8:29).  Just as an individual can find fulfillment only in a right relationship with God, so the family can find complete fulfillment only as believing parents and children follow His design for the family in the control and power of the Holy Spirit (Eph. 5:18b).”


Bible verse that goes along with D. L. Moody’s quotation is from Matthew 26:19 “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


8/4/2019 9:31 PM

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