Saturday, August 10, 2019

PT-3 "The Matter of Submission" (Eph. 5:22a)



My Worship Time                                                      Focus:  PT-3 “The Matter of Submission”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Ephesians 5:22a


            Message of the verse:  “Wives, be subject to your own husbands.”


            When we go back and look at how Eve was created we see that God actually put Adam to sleep in order to operate on him as He took a rib out of Adam to form Eve from.  Adam then testified that Eve was “Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” as seen In Genesis 22:222-23.  When man sinned and God cursed man it did not change basic plan for mutuality in the marriage relationship or not even for the functional authority of the husband over the wife.  We know that man was created first and he was created generally to be physically, constitutionally, and emotionally stronger than the woman whom Peter describes as the weaker vessel in 1 Peter 3:7.  Makes now different for before and after the Fall and the consequent curse, man was called to be the provider, protector, guide and the shepherd of the family, and the woman was called to be supportive and submissive.  I realize that in our culture today that this goes against the grain because of the sinful conditions that humans live in, but if this were followed like God developed before the fall then the family would run more smoothly, and that would make the nation and government run more smoothly.


            MacArthur adds “Any society that has taken either the obvious nature of women or the Word of God into consideration has fashioned its best laws in line with His.  Laws against murder find their source in the Ten Commandments—just as do laws against stealing, adultery, perjury, and so on.  The wife’s submission to her husband is a divine principle that has reflected to some degree in the legal codes of most societies. 


            “For the past several hundred years’ western society has been bombarded with the humanistic, egalitarian, sexless, classless philosophy that was the dominant forde behind the French Revolution.  The blurring and even total removal of human distinctions continues to be masterminded by Satan so as to undermine legitimate, God-ordained authority in every realm of human activity—in government, the family, the school, and even in the church.  We find ourselves victimized by the godless, atheistic concepts of man’s supreme independence from every external law and authority.  The philosophy is self-destructive, because no group of people can live in orderliness and productivity if each person is bent on doing his own will.”


            As MacArthur mentions the sad truth is that the church has fallen prey to this humanistic philosophy and is even now willing to recognize the ordination of homosexuals, women, and others whose God Word specifically disqualifies from the leadership of the church.  God hates all sin, however he has destroyed societies because of homosexual sins.  The letters to the church leaders that are in the New Testament show that the Pastors, Elders or Deacons are to be the husband of one wife and this rules out having a woman who is in the role of one of these offices.


The verses that go along with John Harvard’s quotation from yesterday are from Proverbs 2:1, 5-6 “If you receive my words, and treasure my commands within you…Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God.  For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.”


8/10/2019 4:52 PM

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