Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Virgin Birth Consummated (Matt. 1:24-25)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 12/3/2019 10:17 AM

My Worship Time                                                      Focus:  “The Virgin Birth Consummated”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                     Reference:  Matthew 1:24-25

            Message of the verses:  24 And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, 25 but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.”

            Well we have come to the last two verses in the first chapter of Matthew and I have to believe that this first chapter will be the fasted one that we will get through as move on to the remaining 27 chapters, Lord willing, beginning tomorrow.
            We have to believe that Joseph was asleep when God gave him this message through one of his angels.  This is not unique as dreams are ways that God did communicate to different people in the Old Testament times.  Joseph not only had dreams from the Lord, but also interpreted them while in Egypt.  Daniel also had visions and dreams and also was able to interpret them while in Babylon.  Ezekiel is another who had many visions that God had given to him.  I don’t recall any other dreams in the New Testament, but do recall a few visions that Paul had told in the book of Acts.  What I am saying is that I find it hard to believe that God speaks to NT believers in dreams or visions since the Bible has been completed.  I suppose that others may not agree with me about this.

            What we can see here in these verses is that Joseph immediately obeyed, doing “as the angel of the Lord commanded him.”  I suppose that Joseph was as we say “on cloud nine” after learning the truth of Mary’s pregnancy.  We don’t really know much about Joseph, but one thing we do know that God chose him specially to be the one to raise the Lord while he was young, and we also know that Joseph was a righteous man.  MacArthur writes “The fact alone would indicate the depth of Joseph’s godliness.  It is inconceivable that God would entrust His Son into a family where the father was not totally committed and faithful to Him.

            MacArthur concludes his commentary on this first chapter with the following three paragraphs.  “Apparently the marriage ceremony, when Joseph ‘took her as his wife,’ was held soon after the angel’s announcement.  But he ‘kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son.’  Matthew makes it clear that she remained a virgin ‘until she gave birth,’ implying that normal marital relations began after that time.  The fact that Jesus’ brothers and sisters are spoken of numerous times in the gospels (Matt. 12:46; 13:55-56; Mark 6:3; etc.) prove that Mary did not remain a virgin perpetually; as some claim.

            As a final act of obedience to God’s instruction through the angel, Joseph ‘called His name Jesus,’ indicating that He was to be the Savior (cf. v. 21).

            “The supernatural birth of Jesus is the only way to account for the life that He lived.  A skeptic who denied the virgin birth once asked a Christian, ‘If I told you that child over there was born with a human father, would you believe me?’  The believer replied, ‘Yes, if he lived as Jesus lived.’  The greatest outward evidence of Jesus’ supernatural and deity is His life.”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Thinking on the life that Jesus lived as seen in the gospels makes it perfectly clear that His birth was indeed supernatural.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  The part of Jesus’ life that I have been thinking about is that which comes from the following “8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself.”

Today’s quotation from “Love In Action” is the commentary that David Jeremiah writes on Proverbs 22:6.

“Each child needs to know he is unique and unlike any other child God ever created.  The Hebrew phrase ‘in the way’ describes the habit or character of an individual at his own age level.  The emphasis is on the importance of adjusting our training according to the ability of a child at each stage of his development.  Each child has his own way, and by paying attention, we can determine what that way is.  The root meaning for the term ‘train up’ is ‘palate or roof of the mouth.’  The Arab midwife would take olive oil or crushed dates on her finger and rub the palate of a newborn baby to create in the infant a desire to suck.  A real meaning of ‘training’ is to create a taste or desire.  Our task is to develop in our children a hunger of desire for spiritual things, to cultivate an urge to follow God.”

12/3/2019 10:49 AM


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