Monday, December 7, 2020

PT-3 "The Protection of Prayer" (Matt. 6:13-14)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 12/7/2020 11:59 AM


My Worship Time                                                            Focus:  PT-3 “The Protection of Prayer”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                Reference:  Matthew 6:13-14


            Message of the verses:  13 And do not lead us into temptation, But

deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. 14 “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”


            We continue quoting from MacArthur’s book “Jesus’ Pattern of Prayer” as we begin to look at how Satan tempts us.


            “How does Satan tempt us?  Through the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.  Those do not proceed from the Father.  God’s desire is that we watch and pray and do not enter inter into temptation.

            “The word temptation is from the Greek peirasmos, which is used over and over in the Scripture.  IT is simply a test, or a trial.  The English word means ‘seduction to evil,’ but the Greek word is neutral, sometimes translated ‘test,’ and sometimes ‘prove,’ sometimes ‘trial,’ and sometimes ‘temptation.’

            “In the Disciples’ Prayer the word should be translated ‘trial.’  So, ‘Lead us not into trials, or testings.’

            “Any time there is a legitimate trial, or test, there is the possibility of passing or failing.  So when God brings a trial, there is always the possibility that the trial can be turned into a temptation.

            “Joseph said in Genesis 50:20, regarding his brothers’ selling him into Egypt, ‘You meant if for evil, but God meant it for good.’

            “When the prayer says, ‘Lead us not into trials,’ I believe the implication is, ‘Lord, don’t lead us into a trial that will present to us a temptation such that we will not be able to resist it.’

            “You walk along and you encounter a certain person or situation, a certain, magazine, a certain book, a certain movie theater, a certain program on television—those are all tests.  They can show your spiritual strength and cause you to grow, or you can fail and the experiences can turn into temptations that incite your lusts and draw you into sin.

            “The petition in question is a safeguard against presumption and against a false sense of security.  When you think you stand, take heed lest you fall.

            “The word ‘into’ is eis in the Greek, and some have compared it to the Hebrew liyadh, which means ‘into the power of’ or ‘into the hands of.’  In other words, we are praying, ‘Do not cause us to be led into the hands of the trial.’

            “Our Lord prayed the same prayer in John 17:15 when He said to the Father, ‘I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil [one].

            “Martin Luther said, ‘We cannot help being exposed to the assaults, but we pray that we may not fall and perish under time.’

            “When trials come, Satan wants to make us angry and bitter.  How do we deal with them?  James 4:7 gives us the simple word.  ‘Submit yourselves therefore to God.’  How do we do that?

            “We get under His lordship.  That means we’re going to do what He says.  We’re going to live in submission to biblical principles.  Submitting to God is not some esoteric (mysterious) thing.  It is not intellectual suicide or escapism (diversion).  Submitting to God is ordering one’s life to respond in accord with the biblical revelation of God’s will.”


12/7/2020 12:25 PM


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