Thursday, April 7, 2022

PT-3 "The Receptive Hearer" (Matt. 13:23)




My Worship Time                                                                  Focus: PT-3 “The Receptive Hearer”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matthew 13:23


            Message of the verse:  23 “And the one on whom seed was sown on the good

soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit, and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.’


            Let us look again at verse eight:  8 "And others fell on the good soil, and *yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.”  Now we mentioned earlier that the average yield ratio of grain crops in Palestine was less than eight to one.  Therefore even the least productive of thirty to one was almost four times the average yield. MacArthur writes “It is not that a believer produces a hundred, sixty, or thirty times the amount of fruit at all.  Jesus simply used these figures to represent the great productivity He gives to the faithful proclamation of His Word.  That is the point of the entire parable:  true believers produce fruit.

            “To His witnesses Jesus is saying, ‘Go and preach, and realize as you go that some people will reject your message outright.  Because they want nothing to do with God, Satan will not allow the gospel to have any impact on them whatsoever.  Others will seem to accept it gradly but will soon fall away, because they only had a superficial religious experience and were not born again.  These are the ones who live by the flesh, whose lives are controlled by emotion, feeling, and sentiment.  Others will seem to accept the gospel while holding on to the old life and its ways; and their faith will also prove vain and will eventually disappear as it is chocked out by the world.  But others will truly believe.  In humility they will confess and repent of their sins, look to Me for help, and be given new life.  You will know these true believers from the others by the evidence of fruit in their lives’”


            Another thing that Jesus is saying to His witnesses is that they should not lose heart.  It is only God alone who can plow up the heart that is hard and resistant.  In God’s sovereign will He gives the shallow heart depth, and the cluttered heart cleansing, we in our own strength cannot do anything like this, but we can yield to the Holy Spirit to work a work in our lives for the cause of Christ.  I continue to mention Ephesians 2:10 to show that the Lord guarantees that His faithful witnesses will produce fruit and will do so abundantly.  MacArthur adds “It is impossible for a faithful sower of the Word to fail, because the Lord of the harvest will not permit it.  So we anticipate the wrong and the right responses.  What marvelous help insight for those who sow!”


            The Lord is teaching us that His people, the ones who truly belong to Him can and should be a witness for Him.  The responsibility of the one who sows the gospel in His name not to produce the seed, the soil, or the fruit as his only responsibility is to faithfully spread the seed as far and wide as he is able.  So what happens is when they fall on the good soil, the seeds that a little child throws here and there as he follows his father through the field will produce faithful plants just as genuine and productive as those the experienced father plants.  The untrained Christian who will faithfully scatter his few seeds will produce a greater harvest than the most learned and experienced believer who never bothers to sow at all, so the point is to sow the seed and leave the results to the Lord for He is the only One who can save a person, all we can do is to sow the seed.


            We are now at the end of the 33rd chapter of MacArthur’s second commentary on the gospel of Matthew, we are now in our 29th month of studying this wonderful gospel.  I don’t think that we will get through the gospel of Matthew for another 29 months, but we will plug on, and expect the Holy Spirit to continue to bless this study.  We will conclude this section and chapter with the following quote from John MacArthur.  “To those who are considering His claims or have made a perfunctory decision for Him, Jesus gives an appeal to think about the kind of soil that represents their heart.  If it is hard-packed and beaten down by continual neglect of God, or perhaps even by conscious opposition, He calls that person to allow His Spirit to break up the ground and make it receptive to His Word.  If the soil of his heart is shallow and superficial, He calls that person to allow the Spirit to remove the rocky resistance that lies beneath the surface of his seeming acceptance of the gospel and give him true faith.  If the soil of his heart is infested with the weedy cares and concerns of the world, He asks that person to allow the Spirit to cleanse him of his worldliness and to receive Him with no reservations or competing loyalties.”


            Readers think about this last quotation from John MacArthur and if a decision is needed for Christ make that decision and by doing that you will change your eternal destination.



            4/7/2022 11:46 AM

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