Wednesday, August 16, 2023

"The Accusation" (Matt. 22:18)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 8/16/2023 10:58 AM


My Worship Time                                                                                   Focus:  “The Accusation”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matthew 22:18


            Message of the verse:  18 But Jesus perceived their malice, and said, "Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites?”


            I want to begin this short SD by giving you the definition of the word “malice.”  “evil purposes and desires”  I believe that this definition of this word gives us exactly what these Jewish leaders were doing.


            The word but begins this verse and it was by our Lord’s divine discernment that Jesus perceived their malice.  It was impossible for anyone at anytime to blind-side Jesus, and the reason is because “He Himself knew what was in man” (John 2:25).  MacArthur writes “He omnisciently knew the question they would ask and the reason for asking it even before it came to the minds of the Pharisees who concocted it.  He knew the men who posed the question were not the ones who devised it, and that the words of praise they had just showered on Him were not motivated by admiration but malice.  He knew their flattering tongues were tipped with poison.  He also knew exactly the right answer.”


            It was before Jesus answered their question that He had a question of His own for them: "Why are you testing Me, you hypocrites?”  Now before we move on any further I want to give you the meaning of the word hypocrite:  “1) one who answers, an interpreter; 2) an actor, stage player; 3) a dissembler, pretender, hypocrite.”  The answer that Jesus gives to them let them know that their wicked scheme was transparent to Him, as He knew their purpose was to test Him, and not to seek His wisdom, and that He was hereby exposing them as the hypocrites that they were.  The truth is that Jesus had never seen these men before, as the Pharisees sent them because both the Pharisees and the Herodians hated Jesus although they did not care for each other very much either.  Jesus’ demonstration of omniscience was in itself another marvelous testimony of the fact that He is God.


            It is true that the Old Testament rabbinic tradition strongly condemned flattery and hypocrisy, but as John MacArthur quotes from Rabbi Eleazar who wrote in the Talmud, “Any community in which is flattery will finally go into exile.  It is written [Job 15:34], Tor the community of flatters is ‘barren]’” (Sotah 42a).  Rabbi Jeremiah ben Abba had declared that four types of people do not deserve to be blessed by God: scorners, liars, tale-bearers, and hypocrites (Sanhednn 103:a).’”


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I totally agree with Rabbi Jeremiah ben Abba in the people that God will not bless. 


            My Steps of Faith for Today: I trust the Lord to lead my life in a way that will bring glory to Him and that I will continue on the path of what He has called me to do even before the world was made, and to do it.

8/16/2023 11:24 AM


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