Friday, November 24, 2023

Near The Temple (Matt. 24:1-3)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 11/24/2023 10:36 AM


My Worship Time                                                                                  Focus:  “Near the Temple”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 24:1-2


            Message of the verses:  1 And Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. 2 And He answered and said to them, "Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here shall be left upon another, which will not be torn down.’”


            The first thing that I want to say is that I am happy that the introduction to chapter 24:1-3 is done, but I am also happy to have a much better understanding of what went on and why the disciples asked Jesus these questions.  I have a pretty good understanding of what the rest of the chapter says, along with chapter 25, but could not understand why the disciples were asking Jesus the questions that they ask before looking at MacArthur’s introduction.


            We have been looking at Jesus’ last week of teaching and preaching and also cleansing the temple for some time now, and now that ended up at the end of the 23rd chapter.  It took a pretty long time in going over the time when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the colt to ending His last public teaching, but now that that is finished we get the privilege of looking at chapters 24-25 before looking at the last hours of our Lord’s life and then the resurrection.  I suppose that this will take perhaps another year of studying, but it will be well worth it.


            After Jesus was done with His last public teaching we see that He went away to the Mount of Olives to be alone with His disciples.  Jesus’ teaching His disciples is coming to an end, but what He has to say to them is very important, especially from chapters 24-25, as they are even important in the time that we live in, for after May 5th 1948 when Israel became a nation again things have begun to happen that could never have happened before that time of them becoming a nation because as we look at the end time prophecies Israel is in their land.


            Now as they were leaving Jerusalem, the disciples come up to point out the temple buildings to Jesus.  Now as we look at the other two synoptic gospels they report that the disciples were looking at the temple in admiration, saying, “Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings” (Mark 13:1; cf. Luke 21:5).


            One can look on their computer to see where the temple mount is today as the Dome of the Rock is pretty much on that site where the Temple was.  MacArthur writes “A massive retaining wall on the south and west sides helped support the mount itself as well as the Temple.  The Temple was awe-in-spiring by any standards, but to a group of common men from rural Galilee it must have been a breathtaking marvel.  They could not conceive how such an enormous structure could have been built or decorated so magnificently.  The Roman historian Tacitus reported that it was a place of immense wealth, and the Babylonian Talmud said, ‘He that never saw the temple of Herod never saw a fine building.’  Some of the stones measured 40 feet by 12 and weighed up to a hundred tons, quarried as a single piece and transported many miles to the building site.”  Now remember as you think about the sight that this temple was build, along with the first one we see the sight first in the book of Genesis where Abraham went to offer Isaac as a sacrifice, but the Lord stopped him.  Next we see it when David sinned against the Lord in numbering the people and the Lord has mercy on Israel and stopped the slaying of the people of Israel at this point where David bought the site and offered a sacrifice at that very point.  This was the very sight where Solomon built the first Temple.


            MacArthur goes on “The disciples were perhaps wondering how such an amazing edifice, especially one dedicated to the glory of God, could be left desolate, as Jesus had just predicted.  They should have remembered Ezekiel’s vision of God’s glory departing from the Temple and going ‘up from the midst of the city’ (Ezek. 11:23).  The holy sanctuary that had once been God’s house was His no longer.  It is now ‘your house’ Jesus had said to the unbelieving Jews before He left the temple, and it ‘is being left to you desolate’ (Matt. 23:38), because the glory of the Lord would soon depart from it.  The beautiful buildings that had been devoted to God’s glory and that should have honored Jesus would henceforth be devoted to desolation and destruction.”


            The following is how Jesus responded to His disciples:  “"Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here shall be left upon another, which will not be torn down.’”  It would perhaps been nice to have a camera to take a picture of the disciples as their mouths probably were wide open in surprise to what Jesus had just said.  The undoubtedly could not believe that God would have this beautiful temple destroyed.


            We know the story as the Roman General Titus came into Jerusalem in 70 A. D. and destroyed the city and the temple and not one stone was left upon another, and it is still that way today as the stones sit at the bottom of the hill where the temple once was.  I may have mentioned earlier that I learned that Titus did not want to destroy the temple, but from what I read earlier there was gold between the stones and he wanted the gold.


            Perhaps the disciples would have thought that this would be a part of the Messiah’s expected purification of Jerusalem, which would occur immediately after He destroyed the nations.  This was looked at in the previous introductions to these verses.


11/24/2023 11:14 AM





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