Saturday, February 17, 2024

PT-2 "Intro to Matt. 25:1-13


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 2/17/2024 10:05 AM


My Worship Time                                                           Focus:  PT-2 “Intro to Matthew 25:1-13”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference: Matthew 25:1-13


            Message of the verses:  1 "Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2  "Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. 3 “For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. 5 “Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep. 6 “But at midnight there was a shout, ‘Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 7 “Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 “The foolish said to the prudent, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 “But the prudent answered, ‘No, there will not be enough for us and you too; go instead to the dealers and buy some for yourselves.’ 10  "And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. 11 “Later the other virgins also came, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open up for us.’ 12 “But he answered, ‘Truly I say to you, I do not know you.’ 13 “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.”


            In the last SD I was quoting from John MacArthur’s commentary about how weddings were done in the Middle East at the time when Jesus was on earth.  I stated that there are some places there that this was still done.  I will continue quoting from MacArthur’s commentary about this subject, as we have to understand it before we can understand the parable in verses 1-13.


            “At the end of the betrothal period the wedding feast would be held, and it was in the feast and its related celebrations that the entire community became involved.  This festivity, which could last a week, began with the groom’s coming with his groomsmen to the bride’s house, where her bridesmaids were waiting with her.  Together the bride and the groom and their attendants would then parade through the streets proclaiming that the wedding feast was about to begin.  The procession was generally begun at night, and lamps or torches were used by the wedding party to illumine their way and to attract attention.


            “At the end of the feast period, a close friend of the groom, who acted much like a best man, would take the hand of the bride and place it in the hand of the groom, and the couple would for the first time be left alone together.  The marriage would be consummated and the couple would henceforth live together in their new home.  It was that third part of the marriage rite that Jesus used as the framework for this parable.


            “As the parable unfolds, Jesus focuses first on the bridesmaids, then on the bridegroom, and finally on the warning that the parable is given to reinforce.”


            Now that we have a better understanding of these types of weddings that took place we can better understand looking at the church age as the church is the bride of Christ and the church is awaiting the arrival of the Lord to return to planet earth to get His bride and take His bride to the place where He has prepared for her.


2/17/2024 10:24 AM



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