Saturday, February 24, 2024

PT-4 "The Bridesmaids" (Matt. 25:1-5)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 2/24/2024 12:34 PM


My Worship Time                                                                        Focus:  PT-4 “The Bridesmaids”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 25:1-5


            Message of the verses:  1 "Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 “Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. 3 “For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the prudent took oil in flasks along with their lamps. 5 “Now while the bridegroom was delaying, they all got drowsy and began to sleep.”


            I believe that I have mentioned that in using John MacArthur’s commentaries to aid me in my Spiritual Diaries that there are times when he writes a lot of “stuff” where there is no Scripture being used that is Scripture from the text that he is writing about.  When this happens I usually go ahead and quote what he is writing and put it into my Spiritual Diaries because it is worth quoting or he would not write it into his commentaries.  With this said I will quote some things from MacArthur’s commentaries.


            “The warning Jesus gave in this parable is repeated over and over in the gospel’s, a continually recurring theme of His teaching.  He warns that professed believers are like wheat and tares; some are genuine and some are false.  They are compared to various kinds of soils, some of which give initial evidence of productivity but only one of which genuinely receives the seed of the gospel and allows it to take root and grow.  It was not a popular message in Jesus’ day and is not a popular message today, even in many evangelical churches.


            “No conclusion regarding the number who will be saved can be drawn from the fact that the bridesmaids were divided evenly between the foolish and the prudent.  But the proportion suggests, however, that a large part of the professing church does not belong to God.  And the situation is obviously pervasive or Jesus would not have spent so much time warning about it.  It existed during Jesus’ earthly ministry, in apostolic times, and throughout the church until the present.  And it is evident from this parable that it will also exist at the end of the Tribulation.”


            We can no conclude from the following statement that the bridegroom was delaying actually reinforces Jesus’ teaching that His second coming will be unexpected, something that we have talked about in a number of earlier SD’s.  Now from the divine perspective it will not be delayed but from the human perspective it will seem to be delayed.  MacArthur writes “Because so much time will have elapsed since His first coming, most people, including many professed Christians, will be carrying on business as usual when He appears (see Matt. 24:38, 43).  Jesus may also have been giving the disciples a hint that He would not be returning as soon as they anticipated (see Luke 19:11).  But the main thrust of the parable, like the main thrust of the entire discourse, is directed to the generation who will be living during the later part of the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:34).  Even the short period of time that will elapse between the signs of His coming and His actual appearance will cause some people to think the Lord is delaying His return.” 


            I have mentioned that this parable that Jesus is speaking has to do with the Jewish wedding celebration, which is indeed different that weddings in our country today, unless some of the Jewish people in our country follow this plan, something that we have discussed in earlier SD since we began looking at chapter 25.  I have mentioned that the couple is actually married when all the things that are going on in this section are happening, as they are legally married, and if they decided to break up they would have to get a divorce.  The sexual consummation of the union has not yet taken place and that is what will happen when the groom comes to get his bride, that is probably after a week of celebrating goes on first.  So the idea of being delayed and the brides maids getting sleepy supports the thought that the bridegroom is delayed, thus the bridesmaids get sleepy.  The sleep of the foolish bridesmaids might suggest their false confidence, whereas the sleep of the prudent ones could suggest their genuine security and rest in the Lord.


            Looks like one more SD on this subject will finish it for this section.


2/24/2024 1:04 PM

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