Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Duration (Matt. 26:29)




My Worship Time                                                                                       Focus:  “The Duration”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matthew 26:29


            Message of the verse:  “But I say to you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it with you in My Father’s kingdom.”


            Once again I want to mention that the Passover celebration that our Lord celebrated with His disciples was the very last Passover celebration that was celebrated in the eyes of the Lord.  Yes, people still celebrate the Passover, but any observance of it since that time has been based solely on human tradition, the perpetuation of an outward form that has long since lost its spiritual significance.  However for those who belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, that event in the upper room began a new remembrance of redemption that the Lord will honor until He returns.


            I realize that there are people in the church age today who don’t go along with what I believe the Bible teaches about what is going to happen in the future, that is that we are now in the church age which will end with the rapture of the Church, followed shortly by the seven year Tribulation period, followed by the Lord along with all His angels and raptured saints coming back to planet earth to end the battle of Armageddon which will be going on at that time.  He will then send the devil, antichrist, and the false prophet straight to hell and then will judge those who are left on planet earth, which will be many less than there are now.  The sheep will go into His kingdom which will last for 1,000 years; the goats will go into the place where all lost sinners are now.  The Lord will recreate the earth to a condition similar to when He first created it.  There will be many millions of people born during the Millennial kingdom and at the end of it there will be a short war as Satan will be allowed to come out of hell to start this very last war, for there will not be any war during the 1,000 year kingdom.  The Lord will end the war and then there will be what is called the great white throne judgment where only the lost will be.  After that the Lord will destroy the universe by fire as He has created a new heaven, new earth, and the New Jerusalem.  Eternity begins and what the Lord will have us do at this point I am not totally sure, but I do know that we will be serving the Lord throughout eternity. 


            Now let me go back to the subject at hand from Matthew 26:29.  MacArthur writes “Fruit of the vine was a common Jewish colloquialism for wine, which Jesus told the disciples He would not drink with them again until that day when He would drink it new with them in His Father’s kingdom.  He had instructed them to remember Him in the eating of the unleavened bread, which represents His sacrificed body, and in the drinking of the cup, which represents His shed blood as a sacrifice for sin.  “Do this,” He said “as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me” (1 Cor. 11:25).  That memorial was to continue until that day in His Father’s kingdom.


            The Lord’s promise to drink with the disciples in that future kingdom was another assurance to them of His return, and assurance that would take on intensified meaning after His death, resurrection, and ascension.  “When I return to establish My kingdom,” He promised them, “you will all be there and you will all drink the cup new with Me.”  In other words, the Lord’s Supper not only is a reminder of our Lord’s sacrifice for our sins but also a reminder of His promise to return and share His kingdom blessings with us.  From those words we learn that the end of this present age does not signal the end of this observance.”


            This very important supper concluded with the singing of a hymn, which probably was Psalm 118, the last psalm of what is called the Hallel.  Then they went out to the Mount of Olives, which is where Jesus would pray fervently to His Father, be betrayed by Judas, and then be arrested by the officers of the chief priests and the elders.


5/4/2024 9:30 AM



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