Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Vindication: The Satisfied Servant (Isaiah 53:10-12)

My Worship Time                                                      Focus:  Vindication:  the Satisfied Servant
Bible Reading & Meditation                         Reference:  Isaiah 53:10-12
            Message of the verses:  “10 But the LORD was pleased To crush Him, putting Him to grief; If He would render Himself as a guilt offering, He will see His offspring, He will prolong His days, And the good pleasure of the LORD will prosper in His hand. 11 As a result of the anguish of His soul, He will see it and be satisfied; By His knowledge the Righteous One, My Servant, will justify the many, As He will bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, And He will divide the booty with the strong; Because He poured out Himself to death, And was numbered with the transgressors; Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors.”
            In this brief, but very powerful section, we see the cross from the viewpoint of God the Father.  Acts 2:22-23 says “22 “Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know- 23 this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death.”  God was offering His Sacrifice for the sins of the world, and Jesus Christ was that Sacrifice.
            We see the phrase “He will prolong His days,” which speaks of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, the Firstfruits of all who have come to know Him as Lord and Savior.  Christ conquered every enemy, including death with His resurrection.  Satan offered Him a glorious kingdom, but that would mean He would have to bypass the cross, but Jesus came to do the will of the Father, which meant His suffering, death, burial, and resurrection from the dead which were accomplished by Him. 
            Let us now look at the phrase “He will see His offspring.”  This statement means that Jesus Christ will have many spiritual children.  Dr. Wiersbe writes “Isaiah’s statement about Isaiah’s natural family (8:18) is quoted in Hebrews 2:13 and applied to Christ and His spiritual family.”
            Next we look at this statement from verse eleven:  “He will see it and be satisfied.”  Who was satisfied with Christ’s death on the cross?  First of all the Father was satisfied for Jesus said in John 8:28 “I do always those things that please Him (The Father).”  Dr. Wiersbe writes “The  heavenly Father did not find enjoyment in seeing His beloved Son suffer, for the Father is not pleased with the death of the wicked, let alone the death of the righteous Son of God.  But the Father was pleased that His Son’s obedience accomplished the redemption that He had planned from eternity (1 Peter 1:20).  ‘It is finished’ (John 19:30).”
            Let us look at this phrase in verse eleven: “He will see it and be satisfied.”  What we are talking about is what the Bible calls “propitiation,” and in the pagan couture of the Greek speaking people this meant “to offer a sacrifice to placate an angry god,” however in our Christian meaning it goes much deeper and much richer.  Dr. Wiersbe writes “God is angry at sin because it offends His holiness and violates His holy Law.  In His holiness He must judge sinners, but in His love He desires to forgive them.  God cannot ignore sin or compromise with it, for that would be contrary to His own nature and Law. 
            “How did God solve the problem?  The Judge took the place of the criminals and met the just demands of His own Law!  ‘He was numbered with the transgressors’ and even prayed for them (Isa. 53:12; Luke 22:37; 23:33-34).  The Law has been satisfied and God can now graciously forgive all who receive His Son.  Grace is love that has paid a price, and sinners are saved by grace (Eph. 2:8-9).”  The Law of God demands justice, but cannot produce salvation, and so the Lord Jesus Christ lived a perfect life keeping all of the Law for us.  By doing this God can declare us just when we receive the forgiveness that Christ offers, see 2 Cor. 5:21 and Romans5:17. 
            Dr. Wiersbe concludes his commentary on this chapter of his book by writing “On the morning of May 29, 1953, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay conquered Mt. Everest, the highest mountain peak in the world.  Nobody has yet ‘conquered’ Isaiah 53, for there are always new heights to reach.  The important thing is to know personally God’s righteous Servant, Jesus Christ, whose conquest of sin is the subject of this chapter.  ‘By his knowledge [i.e., knowing Him personally by faith] shall My righteous Servant justify many.’”
            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I am thankful for this wonderful 53rd chapter of Isaiah, for in it we see before it ever happened what happened to the Lord Jesus Christ as He purchased my salvation on that cruel cross.
My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust the Lord with the problems that I am facing.
Answer to yesterday’s Bible Question:  “A lad’s lunch” (John 6:1-9).
Today’s Bible Question:  “Who said ‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ’?”
Answer in our next SD.



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