Saturday, July 20, 2019

PT-2 "The Consequence with ourselves: singing" (Eph. 519)



My Worship Time                              Focus:  PT-2 “The Consequence with ourselves: singing”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Eph. 5:19


            Message of the verse:  19 speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and

spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord;”


            I looked up different synonyms for “consequence” and came up with a couple that I liked better:  “result and outcome” are two that I think work better than consequence, but not that I know that we will continue to use this word to help us understand what happens when believers are fill with the Holy Spirit and the first one is singing.  That is something else that I did not connect with being filled with the Holy Spirit, but I understand it better now.  Sometimes I kind of get a bit depressed when I read all about these things that I am suppose to be doing in my walk with the Lord because I don’t seem to be doing them on a regular basis.  In my Sunday school lesson from last week I quoted a man named Donald Williams who comments on Psalm one and I think that it is good to quote it here to help us not to be upset when we fail to do the things that we desire to do.  “The very call to blessing, however, precipitates a crisis.  Who can avoid the counsel of the ungodly in our secular society?  Who can meditate on the Word of God day and night?  Who can be fruitful and evergreen?  Certainly we cannot fulfill this high calling.  But take heart—One can and does.  This very calling is consummated by the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is He who lives in perfect communion with the Father (John 5:19-20).  It is He who delights in the Word of God, and it is He who prospers in all His ways.  In Christ we become the blessed person of Psalm 1.  He is the God-man who fulfills the divine demand and incorporates us into the divine life (1 John 1:3).  It is He who gives us His own righteousness.  As we live in communion with Him, we will be that tree planted and our way will be known to the Lord.  As we live in communion with Him, His psalms become our psalms and the road to happiness, to blessing, is ours.”  It may be good for everyone to look up the first Psalm to help them better understand this quote. 


            John MacArthur writes of visiting a missionary couple living in the high mountains of Ecuador, the Andes Mountains and leaned that people there were not responding to the gospel for a long time frustrating the missionaries.  Suddenly the Holy Spirit began to move and many were saved and one of the first evidences of their salvation was their singing as they sang for hours in their thatch roofed church.  This was much different than the unsaved pagans who did not come to know the Lord. 


            I remember hearing a story of a sort of famous man whose wife was a singer and they were at a rally where his wife sang very beautifully.  Next another woman sang and although her voice was not as good her spirit was much better and tears filled those who heard her sing.  It is what inside that counts and not our outside voice that at times we sing for ourselves.


            John MacArthur writes “One of the greatest distinctions of Christianity should be in its music, because the music God gives is not the music the world gives.  In Scripture, the word new is used more frequently in relation to song than to any other feature of salvation.  God gives His new creatures a new song, a different song, a distinctive song, a purer song, and a more beautiful song than anything the world can produce.”  We have been getting into two “touchy” subjects as we have been talking about drinking wine and not singing.  In Dr. Warren Wiersbe’s book “Real Worship” he mentions that music was one of the things that has caused more troubles in the church than anything else.  Some churches only sing from the Psalter and others sing older church hymns and others sing the kind with the rock and roll bands play.  Some people condemn others for the kind of music that they sing thinking their worship music is the best.  As believers we do sing a new song because of what has happened to us in our hearts as we once were lost but not am found by the Lord who saved us.  I remember that my first Pastor that I had after being saved stated that there are some people who do not believe that angels sing, even though some translations state that they do.  He said that only those who have been saved have a new song and angels that stayed with the Lord after Satan took one third of them to be with him, the ones left were never saved but stayed with the Lord because of their devotion to Him.  Not sure that I believe that angels sing.


            We will talk more about this most difficult subject of music in our next SD, Lord willing.


The verses that go along with David Jeremiah’s quote from yesterday are from Proverbs 2:10-11 “When wisdom enters your heart, and knowledge is pleasant to your soul, discretion will preserve you: understanding will keep you.”


7/20/2019 9:38 AM  


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