Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Grace of God seen in the History of Three Eras (Matthew 1:17)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 11/23/2019 10:58 AM

My Worship Time                             Focus:  The Grace of God seen in the History of Three Eras

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 1:17

            Message of the verse:  So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; from David to the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah, fourteen generations.”

            We will have another rather short SD today as we look from Matthew’s summary of the genealogy of Jesus Christ we will see God’s grace at work in three periods, or perhaps eras of Israel’s history.

            This first period of history is from Abraham to David and this is a part of what we call in the Bible, the history part of the Bible.  There were many things that went on during this period as it began in the 12th chapter of Genesis when God called Abram to begin the nation of Israel, and it goes all the way through the life of David.  We see in this section the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and how at the end of the book of Genesis there is a family of around 70 people who ended up in Egypt where God, through much difficulty would take this family and make them a nation.  We see Moses and Joshua and then the judges in this period too, and then towards the end of the judges we see the story of Ruth and how the Lord used this Moabite woman to be the great grandmother of David. 

            The second time period is from David to the deportation into Babylon and this is what we call the period of the monarchs, that is all the kings of Judah as at this time the children of Israel demanded to have an earthly king which God gave to them, one like they wanted and then gave them David a man after God’s own heart.  After David’s son Solomon died the kingdom was divided between the kingdom of the North and South, which is where the genealogy of Jesus would follow.  As we read through this time period we see that both the north and south kingdoms had the exact number of kings, however there was not one good king in the North and only a few in the Southern kingdom beginning with David.  It was during this time period that Jerusalem and the temple in Jerusalem were destroyed and at the end the people were taken to Babylon.

            The third period goes from the deportation to Babylon up to the time when Christ was born.  This time period began in 586 BC and so we can see that it lasted a little over 586 years as we have to take into account that Jesus was born in 0 AD.  As we read through this group of names there are not too many that we know a lot about.  This was a very dark time in the history of Israel as even though they went back to their land they were never in control of it, never owned it until May of 1948 when as Ezekiel prophesied Israel would become a nation again.

            John MacArthur concludes:  “Nevertheless, God’s grace was at work on behalf of His people through all three periods.  The national genealogy of Jesus is one of mingled glory and pathos, heroism and disgrace, renown and obscurity.  Israel rises, falls, stagnates, and finally rejects and crucifies the Messiah that God sent to them.  But God, in His infinite grace, yet sent His Messiah through them.”

Today’s quotation from “Love in Action” is David Jeremiah’s commentary on Genesis 2:21-25 which we looked at yesterday.

“Eve was taken from Adam’s side, not molded from the ground as was her husband.  She was taken from Adam so that he was naturally incomplete without her.  Ish could not be complete without Isha.  When God was finished with the creation of Eve, he brought her to Adam and the first wedding too place.  The Living Bible says that when Adam first saw Eve, he said, “This is it!”  There is great excitement in his heart!  When God’s blueprint for marriage is followed, it is one of the most wonderful, encouraging experiences one can know while on this earth.  We can begin now to create a zone of encouragement at home.  Genesis 2 includes some enduring principles that can mature, strengthen, and breathe new life into our marriages.”

11/23/2019 11:28 AM

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