Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"The Right Time" (Matthew 4:12a)


My Worship Time                                                                              Focus:  “The Right Time”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 4:12a

            Message of the verse:  “Now when He heard that John had been taken into custody.”

            I want to once again quote the last paragraph in John MacArthur’s introduction to Matthew 4:12-17 as we begin this SD.  “In 4:12-17, Matthew picks up the story of that first year where the apostle John leaves off, giving three features of Jesus’ early ministry that show God’s perfect work through His Son.  It was the right time, it was in the right place; and it was the right proclamation.” 

            MacArthur goes on to write “In Matthew’s presentation, Jesus’ official ministry began when the herald of the King went off to jail.  The Son of God always worked on His Father’s divine timetable.  He had, as it were, a divine clock ticking in His mind and heart that regulated everything He said and did.  Paul affirms that ‘when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son’ (Gal. 4:4).  Jesus spoke of His hour as not having yet come (John 7:30; 8:20) and then of its having arrived (Matt. 26:45; John 12:23; 17:1).”

            When Jesus left heaven to be born as a baby he set aside His supernatural powers to accomplish things that could be accomplished by ordinary human means.  Jesus submitted Himself to human limitations and although He knew what was in every man’s heart as seen in John 2:24-25, he learned of John’s imprisonment by common report, just like everyone else did.  Once he heard of John’s imprisonment that He went back to Galilee.

            The story of John’s arrest is seen in a number of places in the gospel’s account.  He was arrested by Herod Antipas and was thrown into the dungeon at the palace at Machaerus, which was on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea.  John was giving reproof to Herod for taking the wife of his half-brother Philip.  Herod did many other sinful acts, but after arresting John we read that he liked to listen to him and so he did not have him killed.  The problem was with his wife Herodias who was the woman who was vile even by Roman standards as she would induce her daughter, Salome, to trick Herod into severing the head of John the Baptist on a platter before his guests as a royal dinner as seen in Matthew 14:6-11.  It all had to do with Herod’s pride as he enjoyed Salome’s dancing and therefore told her she could have anything she wanted, and after getting with her evil mother she asked for the head of John the Baptist. 

            John was a man who confronted evil and this is always dangerous, but John was a fearless man.  His confronting this evil cost him his life. 

            John MacArthur concludes this section with the following paragraph:  “John the Baptist’s imprisonment and death, just as his heralding the King of kings, were in God’s divine plan and timetable.  The end of the herald’s work signaled the beginning of the King’s.  Herod and Herodias believed they freely controlled their province, and certainly the destiny of the insignificant Jewish preacher who dared condemn them.  It is amazing how the proud and arrogant think they act in perfect freedom to accomplish their selfish ends, when in truth their decisions and actions only trigger events that God scheduled before the foundation of the world.”

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Living in 21st century America I get upset over what the demonic socialist democrats are doing, and yet I do trust the Lord to bring about what is happening to be in His perfect time table.  I am certainly opposed to the evil of these people who are similar to what Herod and his wife did in their life time, and yet God was in charge then and in charge now and so I must trust Him to work out His perfect plan.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust the Lord to work out His will on what is going on in our country; trust Him to continue to work in my life to make me more like Jesus, and to give me joy as I study His Word.

 2/18/2020 8:59 AM

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