Wednesday, April 7, 2021

PT-1 "The Barrier of Personal Comfort" (Matt. 8:18-22)




My Worship Time                                               Focus:  PT-1 “The Barrier of Personal Comfort”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                Reference:  Matthew 8:18-22


            Message of the verses:  18 Now when Jesus saw a crowd around Him, He gave orders to depart to the other side of the sea. 19 Then a scribe came and said to Him, "Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go." 20 Jesus said to him, "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head." 21 Another of the disciples said to Him, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father." 22 But Jesus said to him, "Follow Me, and allow the dead to bury their own dead.’”


            I want us to remember that not only was Jesus God, but human too and from time to time He needed to rest for many people seemed to be around Him seeking healing and other things, but unfortunately not seeking spiritual things from Him.  So he needed some time to get away from the crowds and so He “gave orders to depart to the other side” of the lake which is what they did.


            MacArthur writes “When Jesus decided to cross the lake, the issue of commitment was pressed for several men who apparently were reevaluating their relationship to Him.  From Mark we learn that some of the crowd got into other boats in order to go across the lake with Jesus (4:36), but three men (a third is mentioned in Luke 9) obviously did not want to leave and they approached Jesus just before He departed.” 


            Let us begin to look at the first man who was a “certain scribe,” who “said to Him, ‘Teacher, I will follow You wherever You go.’”  That really sound good as far as looking at in a human perspective, but remember that Jesus knows all men and knows what they are even thinking, something that should put fear into our hearts from time to time, as we seek forgiveness for the sinful thoughts and thankfulness for the times when what we are thinking brings glory to our Lord.  Now this man did not ask Jesus a question so as humans we can only guess at his motives for saying what he was saying.  MacArthur adds “As s scribe he would have broken with the majority of his fellow scribes had he become a dedicated disciple of Jesus.  He knew such a decision would be costly, and perhaps he wanted to see how Jesus reacted to his declaration of allegiance.”  Now as a human when we look at a scribe wanting to be a part of Jesus group we would see red flags come up, but again Jesus knew his heart condition.  We read in the book of Acts that eventually some of the Pharisees became believers in Jesus for their salvation, and I suppose that brought up some red flags with the Apostles.


            As we look at the scribes in Jesus day they were typically teachers and not followers of teachers, and they were especially reluctant to follow a teacher such as Jesus Christ, who not only was not “educated” in a rabbinic school but actually One who denounced the traditions they held untouchable.


            The Greek word for teacher that this scribe used was didaskalos and this therefore as a considerable concession in and of itself, coming from a scribe, and we can believe that the crowd and the disciples of Jesus would have been impressed that Jesus was spoken of favorably by one of the Jewish leaders.  Now remember when Peter told Jesus that he would never betray Him?  Well in Peter’s own mind he felt that he never would, but he did.  This man in his own mind felt that he would follow Jesus, but in the end did not as neither Peter nor that man knew himself as well as they thought they knew themselves. It happens to all of us doesn’t it?


            We will continue looking at this first man in our next SD, Lord willing.


4/7/2021 11:32 AM



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