Monday, April 12, 2021

PT-2 "The Barrier of Personal Riches" (Matt. 8:21)




My Worship Time                                                         Focus:  PT-2 “Barrier of Personal Riches”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 8:21


            Message of the verse:  21 Another of the disciples said to Him, "Lord, permit me first to go and bury my father.’”


            We are looking at the second superficial disciple in this verse, one who did not want to risk losing his inheritance by committing himself fully to Jesus.  The word “fully” seems to me to be an important word as we look at these two so-called disciples.  Jesus tell him the following “Follow Me; and allow the dead to bury their own dead.”  This statement along with the one about the foxes and the birds seems at first glance to be nonsensical expressions, but when one digs deeper we can see that they are not.  MacArthur writes “It meant ‘Let the world take care of the things of the world.’  The spiritually dead can take care of their own things.”  We can see that what Jesus said has spiritual meaning.


            MacArthur points out that the following statement comes from Luke 9:60, a parallel account of this section:  “"Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim everywhere the kingdom of God.’”  If this man were to follow Jesus his responsibility would be to go and proclaim everywhere the Kingdom of God as we see in this verse from Luke’s account.  We could actually say that he was to go out and proclaim this good news to the “spiritually dead.”  As believers we are not to mimic the world, which it seems is happening in many denominations today, and that is very sad to say.  Our responsibility is not to follow and mimic the world but to be a witness to the world in the name of Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit. 


            There is another similarity in this disciple and the scribe and that is that they both disappear without further mention, another sad thing to report.  We can surmise that neither one of these men wanted to have a discussion with Jesus about what He is telling them.  This last man is similar to the “rich young ruler” found later on in Matthew 19:16-22, and in a similar way that man lost his enthusiasm for the things of the Lord.


            In following Jesus a believer is to have self-denial, to deny our self, to pick you our cross and follow Jesus wherever He leads us and do whatever He guides us to do for the cause of Christ.


            I mentioned in an earlier SD that in the parallel account of Luke’s gospel he tells of a third man who came to Jesus on this occasion and made a profession of discipleship.  Luke 9:61 “Another also said, "I will follow You, Lord; but first permit me to say good-bye to those at home.’”  MacArthur adds “As with the other two men, this man’s statement seems perfectly reasonable.  It would take but a few days, or a few weeks at the most for him to pay his parents the simple courtesy of saying good-bye.”  There was a similar thing that happened in a scene from the second year of “The Chosen” as a woman wanted to follow Jesus and her father followed her until he spoke with Jesus, and once that happened it was okay.

            As we go back to this man from Luke’s gospel we see like the others that Jesus knew this man’s heart and that his motivation was weak and his loyalty was divided.  This man was not yet ready to give himself wholeheartedly to Jesus as Lord.  I have mentioned this in earlier SD’s and that there are some people who only want Jesus as their Savior and then go about doing things that they want to do and treat Him like a safety net when they live a life that would not be pleasing to Him.  I know for myself that it took a while after I became a believer to realize that not only was Jesus my Savior, but was also my Lord whom I desire to follow. 


            Lord willing we will talk more about this third man in our SD for tomorrow.


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I have learned from this section that I am to continually learn to trust the Lord to by my Lord and not to always do what I want to do on my own.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  Continue to trust the Lord in my praying for revival in my life, our churches lives and the churches in our nation.


4/12/2021 10:21 AM

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