Sunday, May 30, 2021

PT-1 "Jesus Was Accessible" (Matt. 9:18)




My Worship Time                                                                  Focus: PT-1 “Jesus Was Accessible”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 9:18


            Message of the verse:  18 While He was saying these things to them, a synagogue official came and bowed down before Him, and said, "My daughter has just died; but come and lay Your hand on her, and she will live.’”


            The first thing we have to do is understand the first section of this verse:  “While He was saying these things.”  This refers to the conversation that Jesus had just been having with the critical Pharisees and also the confused disciples of John the Baptist as seen in verses 11-17, and it was in these verses we could see that our Lord made clear that He had come to save only those who acknowledge and confess their sins and the ways of the old life of the flesh and then the new life of the spirit are totally incompatible. 


            As we look at this story found in Mark 5:22 and also Luke 8:41 we see that they explain that the man who came up to Jesus was named Jairus.  This man’s title in the Greek is archon which means a synagogue official.  Now he was not only a synagogue official but he was the chief official, or the elder of the synagogue.  MacArthur says that in the Greek archisunagogos and in the Hebrew rosh hakeneseth.  So what this man was, was the highest ranking religious official of the synagogue.  “He supervised the worship services and over saw the work of the other elders, which included teaching, adjudicating disputes, and other such leadership duties.”


            In all probability this man was a Pharisee and as we have been looking at Matthew’s gospel over the last few months we can see that the scribes and the Pharisees were out to get Jesus, as the hatred of these men of Jesus was beginning to show its ugly head.  Why do I bring this up?  Well as we go on with this story we will see no hatred from Jairus, complete humility, and the reason was that his 12 year old daughter as seen in Matthew’s gospel had just died.  As we look at the other two gospels of Mark and Luke we see that this had not happened right away as he first came to Jesus to tell Him that his daughter was gravely ill and to come in a hurry and heal her.  Now as far as the opposition of the scribes and Pharisees going on against Jesus at this time Jairus could not have helped but to know about it, yet as stated there was something way more important in his life at this time.


            We will close this SD with a quotation from MacArthur’s commentary:  “Yet when he faced Jesus he did not seek to protect himself by going at night, as Nicodemus did, or by disguising his true motive and need with an involved and veiled religious question.  We are not told what he then thought about Jesus’ messiahship, but to have ‘bowed down before Him’ was to offer an act of great homage and reverence—and the Greek term behind ‘bowed down’ (proskuneo) is most often rendered ‘worship’ (see Matt. 4:10; John 4:21-24; 1 Cor. 14:25; Rev. 4:10; etc.).  The act involved prostrating oneself before the honored person and kissing his feet, the hem of his garment, or the ground in front of him.”  This for sure does not look like something a Pharisee would have done to Jesus, but family will cause you to do things that you would not ordinarily do.

            I may have mentioned that the title of this section “Jesus Was Accessible” has really been something that has stirred my heart in thinking in a new fresh way how much He is accessible to me, and for that I am truly thankful.


5/30/2021 10:01 AM   

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