Tuesday, June 7, 2022

"Jesus' Response" (Matt. 14:12-13)




My Worship Time                                                                                 Focus:  “Jesus’s Response”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                     Reference:  Matt 14:12-13


            Message of the verses:  12 And his disciples came and took away the body and buried it; and they went and reported to Jesus.

    13 Now when Jesus heard it, He withdrew from there in a boat, to a lonely place by Himself; and when the multitudes heard of this, they followed Him on foot from the cities.”


            Over the last six SD’s we have been looking at some very gruesome scenes from some very horrible people.  The story has come to a beautiful ending from this ugly scene as John’s disciples came and took away the body and buried it.  Gruesome things are very hard for me to take, as it had to take a great deal of courage for John’s disciples to take his decapitated body away and bury him, but this also showed how much love that they had for their fallen leader.  John was a godly and a great man, who had been their friend and their teacher, the one under whose fiery preaching they had confessed and forsaken their own sins, and under whose inspiration and under his direction, they had perhaps led others to repentance, and so now he is gone and they did the best they could for his broken body.


            I have to believe that John knew that this would happen to him some day after he was taken to prison under the evil king and his even more evil wife, and so perhaps he told his disciples to tell Jesus whenever he would be killed which is exactly what they did as they went and reported to Jesus what happened.  John was deeply loved by Jesus and when Jesus heard it, He withdrew from there in a boat, to a lonely place by Himself.  MacArthur writes “As Mark explains in more detail, Jesus was by Himself with His disciples, whom He asked to go with Him ‘to a lonely place and rest a while’ (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat)’ (Mark 6:31).”


            Some have suggested that Jesus left the area because He was afraid of getting arrested by Herod.  That is nonsense to me as Jesus was not afraid of anything as seen what would happen to Him in a few months from then.  I have to believe that Jesus was very sad for by what happened to John and needed to go and find a secret place to morn over losing a close friend and relative (in the flesh) as John was His cousin and also His forerunner, and so the loss was probably very difficult for Him.  Jesus Christ had feelings, and sometimes we tend to forget that.  He probably had greater feelings over the loss of John than even John’s disciples as what happened to John showed the sinfulness of the world, sinfulness that Jesus would eventually die for in order to one day end all sinfulness forever.  I for one can’t wait for that day to come, as Jesus will take down all the evil that is in this world and all those who are following the demon world controlled by Satan, following them in most cases not realizing they are doing it.  (Check out my SD’s from the 6th chapter of Ephesians on this blog and on my other blog as I am repeating them with come corrections in them.)


            MacArthur writes “John the Baptist was the first martyr to die for Christ, and it seems certain that Jesus took this opportunity to further prepare His disciples for what lay ahead for them.  Christ Himself would be the next to die, and all the other twelve (including Matthias, Judas’s replacement) apparently suffered martyrdom, except for John, who died in exile.”


            The following quotation from MacArthur’s commentary was written perhaps 40 or so years ago.  “Although Christians in most parts of the world today have relative freedom to practice and propagate their faith, many believers are suffering a fate like John’s.  When they convert to Christianity, their families disown them, declare them to be dead, and sometimes even murder them.  Countless thousands forfeit their jobs, their freedom to worship, and even the right to teach their faith to their own children.  Many are imprisoned, tortured, exiled, and publicly maligned.  But like John the Baptist, they will not deny their Lord to save their rights, their freedom or their lives.”  We know now that things are even worse than they were years ago, and will continue to get worse.


            Lord willing we will begin to look at John 14:14-21 which is the story of “The Miraculous Feeding,” something seen in all four gospels.


6/7/2022 10:01 AM

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