Saturday, June 25, 2022

PT-2 "Proof of His Divine Protection" (Matt. 14:26-27)




My Worship Time                                                   Focus:  PT-2 “Proof of His Divine Protection”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 14:26-27


            Message of the verses:  26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the

sea, they were frightened, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.’”


            In our last SD we ended up by talking about what “liberals” have to say about this passage, and I for one really get sick and tired of those who are not true believers and then comment on what the Bible has to say.  It is like reading a book in a foreign language that you can’t read of speak the language and then comment on it.  A true believer actually is indwelt with the Author of the Word of God and so this makes it much easier to understand what is found in it.  Yes true believers have their differences on certain passages, but the important things, the really important things like being born-again I have to say that if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ you will understand how you became a believer which is the most important thing that any person can ever do as being born-again changes your eternal destination.


            John MacArthur now writes some truthful things about what probably happened out there on the water that eventual night:  “Because of the darkness, the mist from the wind and waves, the fatigue from rowing, and the fear that already gripped them because of the storm, they did not recognize Jesus when He appeared to them.  Mark reports that ‘they all saw Him’ (Mark 6:50), but none of them suspected it was Jesus.  And their fear instantly turned into abject terror as they beheld the form they thought was a ghost come to add to their torment.  In the dark before the dawn, hopelessness turned to utter horror and despair.  In their panic they could not help but cry out for fear.”


            Jesus Christ knows everything, and he certainly knew what was going on in the lives of His disciples.  Jesus was testing their faith, and then He calmed their fear by just simply saying Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.  In spite of the raging winds, the waves battering against the boat, and their fear-stricken minds, they immediately recognized their Master’s voice. 


            This was not really the time for an explanation of why He was there, or of what He planned to do next, or of why He had not come sooner, and I am sure that after they knew it was Jesus that they really were wondering why He did not come sooner.  But this was time to give His disciples courage, it was time for Him to still the storm that was raging within the disciples, even doing that before actually calming the storm itself.


            MacArthur writes “Jesus did not walk on the water to teach the disciples how to do it.  Peter tried and failed, and there is no record of any of the others ever doing it at all.  The Lord’s purpose was to demonstrate His loving willingness to do whatever is necessary to rescue His children.  He did not have to walk on the water to save them, but His doing so gave them an unforgettable reminder of the power and extent of His divine protection.  It was not to teach them to walk on water but to teach them that God can and will act on behalf of His own.”

            This teaches us that we will never find ourselves in a place where Christ cannot find us, and no storm is too severe for Him to save us from it.  We can be sure that He can protect His very own, and we who are His very own know that He will never fail or forsake us.  “"No man will be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you” (Josh. 1:5).  Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you’” (Heb. 13:5 NKJV).  The very same lesson for the disciples is for us:  There is no reason for God’s people to fear.  “There is no reason for anxiety, no matter how hopeless and threatening our problems seem to be.  Life is often stormy and painful, often threatening and frightening.  Some believers suffer more than others, but all suffer at some time and in some way.  In spite of that, the storm is never so severe, the night never so black, and the boat never so frail that we risk danger beyond our Father’s care.” (John MacArthur)


            Perhaps most of know the story found in the 27th chapter of the book of Acts when Paul was to be taken to Rome to appear before Caesar, and the ship was in a very terrible storm, and all the people on this ship were very afraid, thinking that all would die.  Paul received a vision from the Lord and after that he reported the following to the men on that ship “"Therefore, keep up your courage, men, for I believe God, that it will turn out exactly as I have been told.”


            In conclusion to this section from Matthew chapter 14 MacArthur writes “So the disciples who were reluctant to leave Jesus and go to Capernaum obeyed by rowing out into the storm they knew was coming, and Jesus honored their faithfulness.  When believers are in the place of obedience, they are in the place of safety, no matter what the circumstances.  The place of security is not the place of favorable circumstance but the place of obedience to God’s will.”


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Whenever I lack patience then fear has the opportunity to control me.  I know that in times of trouble that God is teaching me patience, and I am to trust Him in the storms of life and to learn trust and patience from He who knows everything about me, including what will happen to me.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust the Lord in the storms of life.


6/25/2022 9:19 AM

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