Friday, June 24, 2022

PT-1 "Proof of His Divine Protection" (Matt. 14:26-27)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 6/24/2022 10:11 AM


My Worship Time                                                   Focus:  PT-1 “Proof of His Divine Protection”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matt. 14:26-27


            Message of the verses:  26 And when the disciples saw Him walking on the

sea, they were frightened, saying, "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear. 27 But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.’”


            In my SD today I will begin looking at the third proof of Jesus’ deity as it was manifested in His protection of the disciples as can be seen in our verses for today.  I truly can’t imagine being in that boat and then seeing Jesus come walking across the water during this violent wind storm with the waves high enough to probably sink their boat.  I have to agree with what they said or what they thought they were seeing as being some kind of a ghost and then they began to cry out in fear.  Now remember who we are talking about as these were men who were strong as most of them were a fisherman which is a very difficult job to be able to handle the large nets and to take care of their boats and their catch of fish.  They were strong men, and were becoming stronger in their faith in the Lord as they continued to be around Jesus.  John MacArthur comments on this section “And they cried out for fear.  Theoreo (from which saw is derived) means to look intently, indicating that the disciples’ gaze was transfixed on the apparition before them.  At first Jesus did not walk directly toward the boat but appeared to be passing by (Mark 6:48), but that made little difference to the disciples.  For a ghost to be anywhere near them frightened almost out of their senses.  The term ghost is the Greek phantasma, which refers to an apparition, a creature of the imagination, and is the word from which come the English phantom and phantasm.


            I suppose that I need to talk about the liberal interpreters who are always right in their own minds as they try their best to discredit the Word of God all of the time.  Perhaps they should get a real job!  They think that because the disciples were so tired that they really only thought that they saw Jesus walking on the water, as their tiered minds played tricks on them.  However it would have been quite impossible for all twelve of them to simultaneous experience the same imagined apparition, but of course they didn’t think about that.  There is then the section we will be looking at later that tells us that Jesus got into the boat, and oh by the way stopped the storm.  I have to tell you of a preacher that was in the church I went to as a child.  He stated about the feeding of the 5,000 that all of the people just brought a lunch to eat and thus Jesus did not do a miracle to feed some 25,000 people, making food from nothing.  He is the guy that wrote a book with the same title that Hitler had on his book Mein Kampf.  This man is dead now and I don’t really want to think about where he went after he died. 


            We will continue to look at this section in our next SD, Lord willing as my wife has some heavy duty lifting jobs for me to do as we are about to get some of our carpet cleaned.


6/24/2022 10:33 AM

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