My Worship Time Focus:
“A Sanctified Soul”
Bible Reading & Meditation Reference: 2 Timothy
Message of the verse: “sanctified.”
We will be looking this morning at a
second characteristic of a vessel for honor, which is a sanctified soul. The word sanctified is from the Greek word hagiazo, which has the basic meaning of
being set apart. I will now put what my
Online Bible dictionary has to say about the word sanctified.
37 ἁγιάζω hagiazo hag-ee-ad’-zo
From 40; v; TDNT-1:111,14; {See TDNT 14 }
AV-sanctify 26, hallow 2, be holy 1; 29
To make holy, consecrate, sanctify
1) to dedicate, separate, set apart for
1a) Of things {Mt 23:17,9 2Ti 2:21 }
1b) Of persons: Christ {Joh 10:36 17:19 }
2) To purify, make conformable in
character to such dedication
2a) Forensically, to free from guilt {1Co 6:11 Eph 5:26 Heb 2:11 10:10,14,29 13:12 }
2b) Internally, by actual sanctification
of life {Joh 17:17,19 Ac 20:32 26:18
Ro 15:16 1Co 1:2 7:14 1Th 5:23 Re 22:11 }
2c) Of a non-believer influenced by
marriage with a Christian {1Co 7:14 }
3) In the intermediate sense of
ceremonial or levitical purification
3a) Of things {2Ti 2:21 }
3b) Of persons {Heb 9:13 }
4) To treat as holy {Mt 6:9 Lu 11:2 1Pe 3:15}
Now if we look at sanctification in
a negatively way it means set apart from sin, and positively, it means he is
set apart for God so a believer is set apart from sin and set a part for what
the Lord desires for him to do for the cause of Christ. MacArthur writes “Just as the vessels in the
tabernacle and temple were set apart from all mundane uses and dedicated solely
to God and His service, so are those believers who are vessels of honor in the
church. Their supreme purpose as
Christians, the purpose from which all duties derive, is to serve God. For that they keep themselves pure. It would be inconceivable that a vessel could
alternate between being used for vile waste and for food for guests. An honorable vessel is kept pure.”
He goes on to say that “sanctified translates
a perfect passive participle, indicating a condition that already exists. When we trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and
Savior, He immediately ‘became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and
sanctification, and redemption’ (1 Cor. 1:30).
Every believer has been chosen by God ‘from the beginning for salvation
through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the truth’ (2 Thess. 2:13;
cf. 1 Peter 1:2). Salvation itself is a
sanctification setting us apart to God.
But it also is the beginning of a lifelong process. It is both a reality and a progressive
“Christians not only are sanctified by
having a right relationship to God but also are being sanctified as they grow
in fulfilling God’s purpose of righteous living. That is the meaning of the term used
here. ‘For this is the will of God, your
sanctification,’ Paul declares; ‘that is, that you abstain from sexual
immorality….For God has not called us for the purpose of impurity, but in
sanctification’ (1 Thess. 4:3, 7). The sanctified
life is a life of purity, holiness, and godliness. It is a vessel for honor, worthy for the Lord
to use.
“Now on the negative side, the
believer is being sanctified, or set apart, from unrighteousness. Our
new, redeemed life in Christ is to be in stark contrast to our former, unsaved
life. ‘For just as you presented your
members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further
lawlessness, so no present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting
in sanctification’ (Rom. 6:19; cf. v. 22).
Honorable vessels are separated from sin, from the world, from the
flesh, from Satan, and from the self-will of the old self.”
Spiritual meaning for my life
today: This
is a tall order for follow, but I know that the only way to be faithful in
following what the Lord desires me to do is to remember that the Holy Spirit of
God lives in me to cause me to live for Christ, and also because I can read and
study the Word of God each day, and then also by being a part of a Bible
believing church.
My Steps of Faith for Today: I desire to do the things that I
am to do for the cause of Christ which I mentioned in the section above.
10:36 AM
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