Saturday, May 13, 2017

THe Name of Christ (Col. 3:17)


My Worship Time                                                                              Focus: “The Name of Christ”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Colossians 3:17

            Message of the verses:  “17 Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”

             Perhaps the question we need to ask is what does it mean to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus?  Well to answer this question, at least for today I will quote exactly what our friend Dr. Warren Wiersbe has to say from his commentary concerning this verse and then in our next SD we will look at what John MacArthur has to say about this verse.

            “In modern society, we pay little attention to names.  But the ancient world held a man’s name to be of utmost importance.  Often, during Old Testament days, God changed a person’s name because of some important experience or some new development.

            “As Christians, we bear the name of Christ.  The word Christian is found only three times in the entire New Testament (Acts 11:26; 26:28; 1 Peter 4:16).  The name was given originally as a term of contempt, but gradually it became a name of honor.  The name of Christ, then, means identification: we belong to Jesus Christ.

            “But His name also means authority.  A man’s name signed to a check authorizes the withdrawal of money from the bank.  The President’s name signed to a bill makes it a law.  In the same way, it is in the name of Jesus Christ, we have the authority to pray (John 14:13-14; 16:23-26).  Because Jesus Christ is God, and He has died for us, we have authority in His name.

            “All that we say and do should be associated with the name of Jesus Christ.  By our words and our works, we should glorify His name.  If we permit anything into our lives that cannot be associated with the name of Jesus, then we are sinning.  We must do and say everything on the authority of His name and for the honor of His name.

            “Bearing the name of Jesus is a great privilege, but it is also a tremendous responsibility.  We suffer persecution because we bear His name (John 15:20-21).  I have noticed in conversations that you can tell people you are a Baptist, Presbyterian, Lutheran, or even an atheist, and there will be little response.  But if you tell people you are a Christian, and bring the name of Christ into the conversation, almost immediately there is some kind of response, and it is usually negative.

            “Every parent tries to teach his children to honor the family name.  In just a few minutes, a person can disgrace a name that it has taken his ancestors years to build.  For example, the Hebrew name Judah is a respected name; it means ‘praise.’  The New Testament equivalent is ‘Judas’—and who would name his son Judas?

            “Notice that Paul again mentioned thanksgiving in this Colossian letter.  Whatever we do in the name of Christ ought to be joined with thanksgiving.  If we cannot give thanks, then we had better not do it or say it!  This is the fifth of six references in Colossians to thanksgiving (Col. 1:3, 12; 2:7; 3:15, 17; 4:2).  When we remember that Paul was a Roman prisoner when he wrote this letter, it makes this emphasis on thanksgiving that much more wonderful.”

5/13/2017 6:19 PM  

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