Wednesday, June 21, 2017

5th Intro to the Book of Acts


My Worship Time                                                                    Focus:  5th Intro to the book of Acts

            We have here the final part of John MacArthur’s sermon on his introduction to the book of Acts from January 2014.

Now we’re not going to cover all of this tonight, we never intended to.  This is for us to work on over the next few, but let’s just take a look at the message.  To effectively carry on Christ’s work, you have to begin with the message.  The message has to be right.  And if I can piggyback on what we were saying this morning, it all starts with the words of Jesus.  Correct?  It all starts with the words of Jesus. 

That’s why there are four gospels.  So we can get as many of the words of Jesus as the Holy Spirit wants us to have.  Plenty of people running around with the wrong message.  They are wearisome.  Aren’t they?  Cults and corrupt versions of Christianity, misrepresentations of Jesus and the gospel.  It’s important to have the right message.  I’m not talking about biblical ignorance here.  I remember there was a test given to college students some years ago to try to find out how they – what level they were familiar with the Bible.

The answers were really incredible.  Sodom and Gomorrah were lovers on some answers.  Who were Sodom and Gomorrah?  Lovers.  Who was Jezebel?  One answer was Ahab’s jackass.  Who was Eve?  She was a woman created from an apple.  One college student said Jesus was baptized by Moses.  I’m not talking about that kind of ignorance.  That’s everywhere and far worse today than it’s ever been.  Biblical ignorance is at an all time high. 

Sadly, there’s an awful lot of ignorance about the message, the gospel message, even in, quote unquote, the church, evangelicalism.  I don’t need to belabor the point, but when Jesus began his work, it included teaching Verse 1.  It included teaching.  And Luke is a great model for this because Luke wants the exact truth.  I love that about him.  He is the precise historian. 

“I’m writing,” he says, “So you have the exact truth.”  And the only place we can go for this is the scripture.  And when you have that confidence in the scripture, that it is the exact truth, you’re launched as an effective communicator of the gospel.  When you know the word and you believe the word, you’re powerful because you’re not equivocating.  There are all kinds of people who write books that critique Christianity, call things into question, deny the inspiration of scripture.  These are from so-called Christian writers, Christian scholars.  I would remind you that those kind of people are impotent.  They’re just another guy with another opinion.

When you hear powerful preaching, when you hear powerful representation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, you know one thing for sure: There is a preacher who believes in scripture because he boldly proclaims it.  That’s where the ministry has to start.  If we’re going to build the church, we can only build the church on the truth of the gospel.  Right?

Faith comes by hearing the truth concerning Christ, the word of Christ.  Romans 10.  How will they hear without a preacher?  But the preacher has to preach the message concerning Christ.  So I don’t need to beg that issue any further.  You get that.  You know that.  Everything begins with the teaching.  That’s why there’s a seminary across the patio because you have to get it right.

If anybody preaches another gospel, let them be what?  Let them be damned, cursed.  If anybody preaches another Christ, let them be cursed.  But there’s another little word there, too, and it says that Jesus began to do and teach.  And while we can’t do what Christ did, miraculously, that’s not what it’s talking about.  What it’s talking about is the power of his life to draw people.  You remember it was he who said, “If I be lifted up, I will draw all men to myself.”  He was attractive not only because of his teaching, but because he personified what he taught.  He was consistent with his message.  And I simply want to make that an issue for your thinking that if the Lord is going to use us, there’s going to have to be the right message in the right package, the right messenger.

And always remember that statement by the German philosopher.  Show me your redeemed life, and I might be inclined to believe in your redeemer.  Pretty hard to make the gospel believable unless it’s believable when somebody looks at you.  Not that you have to be perfect, but you have to demonstrably be committed to the truth you teach.  There are lots of people who talk about Christ but don’t live a life that points to his power.

I remember reading an article year ago where a writer said, “Personally, I’ve discovered that Jesus probably had a lot more class than most of his agents.”  It is a familiar knock on Christianity that I wouldn’t want to be a Christian because there are so many hypocrites, and while that’s a pretty lame excuse, and it won’t stand up before God, there’s some truth to it.

Powerful preaching comes from the overflow of powerful demonstration of the transforming gospel.  So that’s where you have to start.  You have to start with the right message, clearly.  And so Jesus, until the day he was taken up to heaven, Verse 2, after he had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom he had chosen.  What is that saying

That is saying that Jesus continued to live the message and teach the message until the ascension.  Until the ascension, he was the personification, the incarnation of everything he preached and taught.  This was the priority.  I just would like to make the point that Jesus didn’t spend those final 40 days feeding poor people, although that’s a noble thing to do.

If you look at the next verse, end of the verse, for 40 days, he was speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God.  This school was in.  I would have loved to have been in that seminary, 24/7 for 40 days with a risen Christ.  You’d hang on every word.  You’d absolutely hang on every word.  But this is where all of our work begins.  It begins with the right message.

Understanding the truth of the gospel, the truth of the kingdom, and living it as we proclaim it so that from the time that Jesus arose and met with his disciples in that upper room on the resurrection night, for the next 40 days, he had those chosen apostles with him, instructing them in the things concerning the kingdom of God.  That’s what they’re going to be doing if they’re faithful.

They’re going to be instructing others.  That is discipleship at its most profound point.  And they had a lot to learn.  Didn’t they?  You go back and look at how they lived and how they were so confused all the time and how he taught them lessons – the same lesson, again and again.  They didn’t seem to get it.  They were so ill prepared for what was going to come that even when Jesus was arrested, they all fled and scattered.

They were hard pressed to believe even when he appeared to them risen from the dead.  Thomas who wasn’t there said, “I’m not going to believe that.”  They didn’t believe on the road to Emmaus.  They were beleaguered.  John’s gospel ends with them going back to their fishing nets even after Jesus had appeared to them and taught them, to some degree, some of those 40 days.

They were hard to communicate to, but these were desperate times.  This was it.  This was it.  When the 40 days were over, it was over.  How urgent it is that the message be communicated.  That’s the priority.  So for 40 days, he taught them the message they would have to preach.  But by the way, even with the right message, they weren’t ready to go yet.  They weren’t ready to go.  That’s why he had previously said, “Don’t go.  Stay where?  Stay in Jerusalem until you’re empowered from on high.” 

So the message is essential, and the living of the message is essential, but I will promise you one thing.  Even with the right message and doing your best to conform to that message, your own human power isn’t going to make the difference.  I love what Spurgeon said.  “We might preach until our tongue rotted, until we exhaust our lungs and die, but never a soul would be converted unless the Holy Spirit uses the word to convert that soul.” 

So it is blessed to eat into the very heart of the truth until at last, you come to talk in scripture language, and your spirit is flavored with the words of the Lord so that your blood is bibline, and the very essence of the Bible flows from you.  But you still need the Holy Spirit.  School was in, and the truth was taught.  There’s one other thing that I would add, and then we’ll stop.  A second point.  You have to have the proper confidence.

Now remember, they didn’t have a Bible, except the Old Testament.  They knew now because they had the gospels that the prophecies of the Old Testament had been fulfilled.  And what did I tell you was the marked characteristic of the early apostolic preaching in the Book of Acts?  Their use of what?  The Old Testament.  They get it.  Made that point in the first message we talked about Acts.  You see quotes from the Old Testament all over the place that you never see in the gospels.  They didn’t know that the Old Testament was being fulfilled until here.  Now they know.

And so you – they all of a sudden start using Old Testament prophecies and saying, “They’re fulfilled, they’re fulfilled, they’re fulfilled.”  So they did have confidence now for the first time that scripture was fulfilled in Christ.  But where was their confidence that the plan of God would go to the next generation, the next level of fulfillment?  Here it is.  Verse 3. 

“To these, he also presented himself alive after his suffering by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over 40 days.”  Where did their confidence come from?  The what?  What event?  The resurrection.  The resurrection.  Over a period of 40 days between his passion and his ascension, Jesus appeared to them.  Not all 40 days, but in intervals during those 40 days.  And manifested himself to them not as some kind of apparition, not as some kind of ghost, not as some kind of ethereal being, not as some kind of a vision, but he appeared to them alive after his suffering with the wounds by many convincing proofs. 

He really was alive from the dead.  He really did live.  Paul lays out in 1 Corinthians 15 the urgency of the resurrection.  If Christ is not risen, we’re of all people most miserable.  If Christ is not risen, all gospel preaching is foolish.  If Christ is not risen, we have no hope.  Everything is lost, and that’s what they were saying on the road to Emmaus.  “We thought he was to be the one.”

So he keeps coming back over 40 days and appearing to them in infallible, incontrovertible convincing evidence that he is alive.  That’s a critical reality.  That’s their confidence.  And you say, “Well, what does that do for me?”  What it does for you is it gives you the very same confidence because the record of those proofs and appearances are given in holy infallible scripture.  So you have the same experience.

Only difference is you, loved one, you have not seen, whom having not seen you love.  Is there ample proof in the New Testament for the resurrection?  Yes.  If you have any questions about that, go look at the litany of sermons on resurrection Sunday that have been preached here in the last 40 some years.  The proofs of the resurrection are all recorded in the gospels, written down for us. 

That was an absolutely essential confidence.  They were so exploded into joy by the resurrection of Jesus Christ that that’s what elevated them.  That’s what loose them from the despondency and the fears and the doubts and the questions and all the wondering about whether Jesus was the messiah.  So if you’re going to be effective in carrying on the work that Jesus began on his own and then passed onto the first generation and every other generation until we got to century number 21, you start with knowing the message, the right message, which is of course the word of God and the gospel, and having the right confidence that Christ is alive.

And he is building his church, and he wants to use you to do that.  That’s how the history goes.  Well, that leads us to the next and really what is the compelling point.  You have to have the right power.  We’ll keep that for next Sunday.  Let’s pray.  Father, thank you again for your word to us.  I say that almost every time because I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude for the shear blessing of scripture.  No matter how I search it and search it and mine it and think about it, study it, it never disappoints.  Never.

It always fulfills its promise to be alive, transforming truth.  We’re so blessed to be a part of what you’re continuing to do of your unfinished work.  We thank you that you finished the redemptive work, but you’re not finished with the redeeming work.  You continue to do it through us.  May we be useful and faithful.  Thank you for such a privilege.  Amen.

Answer to yesterday’s Bible question:  “Angel” (Luke 2:10-11).

Today’s Bible question:  “The king of what country called Balaam to curse Israel?”

Answer in our next SD.

6/21/2017 8:17 AM

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