Wednesday, October 16, 2019

PT-1 "The Breastplate of Righteousness" (Eph. 6:14b)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 10/16/2019 2:02 PM


My Worship Time                                              Focus:  PT-1 “The Breastplate of Righteousness”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                          Reference:  Eph. 6:14b


            Message of the verses:  “and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,”


            As Paul was chained to a Roman Soldier he would see that the Roman Soldier would have his breastplate on, which was a tough sleeveless piece of armor that covered his full torso.  This was often made of leather or it could be made of heavy linen, onto which were sewn overlapping slices of animal hooves or perhaps horns or pieces of metal.  Some were actually made of large pieces of metal molded or hammered to conform to the body.  It is obvious what the purpose of that piece of armor was for, to protect the heart, lungs, intestines, and other vital organs.


            We have spoke about what the heart was about, but I think perhaps it best to quote from John MacArthur on this.  In ancient Jewish thinking, the heart represented the mind and the will and the bowels were considered the seat of emotions and feelings.  The mind and the emotions are the two areas where Satan most fiercely attacks believers. He creates a world system a sinful environment by which he tempts us to think wrong thoughts and to feel wrong emotions.  He wants to cloud our minds with false doctrine, false principles, and false information in order to mislead and confuse us.  He also wants to confuse our emotions and thereby pervert our affections, morals, loyalties, goals, and commitments.  He desires to snatch the Word of God from our minds and replace it with his own perverse ideas.  He seeks to undermine pure living and replace it with immorality, greed, envy, hate, and every other vice.  He wants us to laugh at sin rather than mourn over it, and to rationalize it rather than confess it and bring it to the Lord for forgiveness.  He seduces us to become so used to sin in us and around us that it no longer bothers our conscience.”


            The protection to which MacArthur spoke of comes from the breastplate of righteousness.  As believers we are to have wrapped around us righteousness in a similar way that the ancient soldiers covered themselves with the breastplate of armor.


            I think that it is obvious that Paul is not speaking of self-righteousness, which really is not righteousness at all but the worst form of sin.  The problem with this sort of righteousness is that Christians clothe themselves with, thinking that their own character and legalistic behavior and accomplishments will please God and will then bring His reward.  MacArthur adds “But far from protecting a believer, a cloak of self-righteousness gives Satan a read-made weapon to stifle and smother our spiritual life and service.  Self-righteousness will as surely keep a believer out of the power of fellowship with God as it will keep an unbeliever out of His kingdom (Matt. 5:20).  Our own righteousness, even as believers, is nothing more than filthy garments (Isa. 64:6).  It brings us no favor with God and no protection from Satan.”


            There is another kind of righteousness that Paul is not talking about that we will go over in our next SD, Lord willing.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I have to say that the way that we are looking at the Spiritual Armor is different than the way that I studied it years ago, but I am beginning to think that it may be the best way to look at this.  I also know that from my study of the Spiritual armor along with reading “The Strategy of Satan,” that I truly believe that more attacks from Satan are coming my way. 


My Steps of Faith for Today:  At the beginning of this year I was seeking to learn more about humility and have learned among other things that pride is the opposite of humility, and that pride was what caused Lucifer to become Satan, and pride was the worst sin that David committed, and that being humble is much more difficult than I had ever though when I set out learning about it this year.  This is another reason why I believe Satan is bringing attacks on me at this time.


Today’s quotation from “Love in Action” will be very short:


In the last days perilous times will come.

II Timothy 3:1.


10/16/2019 2:42 PM

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