Tuesday, January 14, 2020

PT-1 "The Sadducees" (Matt. 3:7a)

SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 1/14/2020 10:06 AM

My Worship Time                                                                            Focus:  PT-1 “The Sadducees”

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 3:7a

            Message of the verse:  “But when he say many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism,”

            The Pharisees believed in prophecy, angels, and the entire Old Testament, while the Sadducees did not believe in angels, or prophecy, or life after death, and only looked at the first five books of Moses for the most part.  Now as far as the origin of their name that is uncertain, however many modern scholars believe that their name derived from Zadok which is seen as Sadok in the Scriptures from the Septuagint, which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament.  In 2 Samuel 8:17 we read “17 Zadok the son of Ahitub and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar were priests, and Seraiah was secretary.”  Zadok was a priest under David and he was the chief priest under Solomon as seen in 1 Kings 1:32).  Again this is not known for sure as to whether or not this was where the Sadducees got their name.  Like the Pharisees this sect came about during the interestamental time period, the time of 400 years when there was nothing that came to Israel in the form of prophets or prophecies.  Both the Pharisees and the Sadducees had the wrong thinking when it came from looking at the Scriptures.  I was listening to a sermon by John MacArthur from this section and learned that it was the Sadducees who were in charge of the priesthood during the time when Jesus was teaching and preaching as the high priest was a Sadducee.  They were the ones who were in charge of having Jesus crucified.  You probably heard the story that the Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead and so that made them sad you see.

            So if the Pharisees did believe in the resurrection of the dead in order to enter into heaven they put all their efforts in living a righteous life in order to get to heaven.  On the other hand because the Sadducees did not believe in life after death they tried to get as much money and things in this life, and one of the things that they were in charge of during Jesus’ ministry was the temple, and the made a business out of it to make money for themselves.  Jesus was not happy about this and so he cleansed the temple on two occasions, certainly making an enemy of the Sadducees. 

            We know the story of how they ran the temple as they had money changers used when the Jews from other countries came into Jerusalem with their own currency and then getting ripped off when they exchanged their money.  After that they had to buy animals to be sacrificed which they got ripped off again.  If they brought their own animals for sacrifice the Sadducees would find fault with them saying they were not good enough to be sacrificed and so they would have to buy others from them.  I suppose that the Sadducees would then sell the “unclean” ones to others as the miracle happened that they were now “clean.”

            Throughout church history we have had different types of people that acted like the Pharisees and the Sadducees.  A careful study of the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Revelation will give you what the Lord said to the seven churches of the time period of the end of the first century and one can see similar people acting like these two sects.

            John MacArthur writes “It is probably because of that deeper spiritual commonness that Matthew speaks of them as one group, emphasized by the use of a single definite article (‘the’) rather than two (‘the Pharisees and the Sadducees’).  It is clear from John’s response to them that he considered their basis problem and need to be exactly the same.”

            MacArthur goes on to talk more about these two group as one:  “This group was coming for baptism, the Greek preposition epi (‘for’) being used in a construction that clearly indicates purpose.  In light of John’s unorthodox dress and style and his prophetic and authoritative exhortations, it is hard to imagine why the self-righteous and proud Pharisees and Sadducees would ask to be baptized by him.”  With that said why would one think that this group would come for baptism of repentance by John?  As mentioned John’s baptism was for repentance, to get people right with the Lord as the King was about to make His scene soon and there was a need for repentance.   Remember that there was only one reason, (up until this time) when be baptized and that was when a proselyte (a gentile) desired to be involved in the Jewish faith.  It seems ironic to me that this group would want to be baptized.  Perhaps they were covering all the bases as “all Jerusalem” was coming to see John. 

            Lord willing, in our next SD we will look at the “confrontation” that came about as this group wants to be baptized by John.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Once again it is certainly not my desire to act like either a Pharisee or a Sadducee.  Jesus called them hypocrites and that is certainly something that I would want to be called for my faith or live like.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  It is my desire to continue to be joyful as I study the Word of God and also to be humble.  It is my desire to work on my Sunday school lesson for this up-coming Sunday.

1/14/2020 10:44 AM

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