Wednesday, January 1, 2020

PT-2 "The Man" (Matt. 3:1)


My Worship Time                                                                                     Focus:  PT-2 “The Man”  

Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 3:1

            Message of the verses:  1 Now in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea, saying,”

            We begin this first SD for 2020 by looking at a quote from John MacArthur as he writes about “Preaching is from kerusso, the primary meaning of which is ‘to herald.’  It was used of the official whose duty it was to proclaim loudly and extensively the coming of the king.  Matthew also uses this term with reference to Jesus and the apostles.”

            John the Baptist knew what his position was in relations to the Messiah:  "He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).  I can imagine that while John was growing up that his parents had told him many times about the angel’s announcement of his birth and what his position would be when he grew up.  John handled himself well when he was questioned by the priests as when they asked him whether he was the Messiah or not he stated “I am not the Christ” as seen in John 1:19-20.  He also denied being Elijah and also the prophet which would be the one that Moses spoke of.  "The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him” (Deu. 18:15).

            In the orthodox Passover ceremony even today we see that there is a place setting for Elijah.  We have talked about this in previous SD’s that John the Baptist would be considered Elijah if the Jew would have accepted Jesus as their Messiah, but of course that did not happen, so Elijah will, in my opinion, be one of the two witnesses seen in Revelation chapter eleven.  He will be preparing the way for the second coming of Christ seen in the middle of Rev. 19. 

            John MacArthur writes “Because the Jews rejected John the Baptist as the true Elijah who was to come, they prevented the complete fulfillment of the prophecy as God had originally given it through Malachi.  ‘If you care to accept it, ‘Jesus explained about John, ‘he himself is Elijah, who was to come’ (Matt. 11:14).  But John not only was not accepted, he was ridiculed, imprisoned, and beheaded.  Because he was not received by the great body of God’s chosen people, he was not able to be the Elijah and there is therefore an Elijah yet to come.  Some interpreters believe he will be one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11, but we cannot be certain.  In any case John the Baptist was rejected as the coming Elijah.  And just as the herald was rejected, so was the King he heralded.  John was beheaded, and Jesus was crucified.  Israel therefore was set aside, and the kingdom was postponed.”  I like it when the things that I write go along with what MacArthur writes.

            We will continue looking at this section in our SD for tomorrow, Lord willing.

            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  One of the things that I happen to believe is that God does not have a plan B.  With that being said I believe that it was always in the plan of God for John the Baptist to do what he did, and that he would not be a resurrected Elijah.

My Steps of Faith for Today:  It is my goal for the year 2020 to have joy in my heart as I read and study God’s Word.

Today’s quotation from “Love in Action” is the commentary that David Jeremiah writes about Habakkuk 2:17-18.

“David also used son to lift his spirit during the discouraging times.  And Habakkuk put an intense conflict aside and worshipped his God in song.  Some scholars think Habakkuk was a Levite responsible for leading the temple choir and that this was his song of worship to a sovereign God.  In a moment of deep discouragement, Habakkuk used music to lift himself up.”

1/1/2020 2:03 PM                              

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