Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Man's Lost Condition (Matt. 9:36b)




My Worship Time                                                                  Focus: PT-1“Man’s Lost Condition”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 9:36b


            Message of the verse:  because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.”


            In today’s SD we will begin to look at Jesus’ second motive for ministry and that was the knowledge of man’s lost condition.  Jesus came to seek and to save those who were lost.  Jesus saw the people around Him in the reality of their need, and He was moved by their diseases and sickness, and so according to verse 35 He healed every kind of their diseases and sickness.  However He was moved even more deeply by the needs that most of the multitude did not even realize that they had and that was to be freed from their bondage to sin.  Every person who has ever been born from the seed of man is in bondage to sin.  Jesus was never fooled by their religious fronts and their spiritual facades as He saw their hearts, and He knew that inwardly that “they were distressed and downcast.”


            John MacArthur writes “Skullo (to be ‘distressed’) has the root meaning of flaying or skinning, and the derived meanings of being harassed or severely troubled.  It often connoted the ideas of being battered, bruised, mangled, ripped apart, worn out, and exhausted.  Jesus saw the multitudes as being inwardly devastated by their sinful and hopeless condition.”


            He goes on to talk about the Greek word rhipto translated “(to be downcast) has the basic meaning of being thrown down prostrate and utterly helpless, as from drunkenness or a mortal wound.  The Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) uses the word of Sisera as he ‘was lying dead with a tent peg in his temple’ (Judges 4:22).  Jesus saw the ‘downcast’ multitudes as ‘sheep without a shepherd’ to protect and care for them.  They were helpless and defenseless, spiritually battered, thrown down, and without leadership or supply.”


            We don’t have to look to far to see who were the problem makers that were the ones who were suppose to be leading these people as they were the false shepherds from the scribes and the Pharisees as it was these very “shepherds” who were largely responsible for the people’s confusion and of their helplessness.  It runs in my mind that Ezekiel wrote about “false shepherds” in his book, speaking of the false shepherds of Israel.  Jesus talked about this when He was talking about the blind leading the blind, and so both would fall into a hole, and that was not only true in His day, but true today.  I recently had an experience with this when I attended a funeral and as I listened to this so-called church leader it made my blood boil and really wondered about where the one she was talking about was.  She seemed to look at me a lot during the service and all I can say is that I am happy, for her sake, that she could not read my mind.  The shepherds of Jesus’ day and of our day were responsible for the people’s confusion and for their hopelessness.  These religious leaders gave them no spiritual pastures, nor did they feed them, give them any drink, or bind up their wounds.   As mentioned they were the blind leading the blind.  These children of Israel were spiritually brutalized by these uncaring, unloving leaders who should have been meeting their spiritual needs, but in fact were unable to do so and so consequently, the people had been left weary, desolate, and forlorn.  In Matthew 10:6 Jesus calls them “the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” God’s chosen people who had been left to perish.


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  It is my great desire to always tell the truth as I write these Spiritual Diaries, and the truth is only found in the Word of God, not always in some religious places like churches in our world today.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  I am trusting the Lord for a good time as I play golf with a number of missionaries today.


7/7/2021 8:59 AM

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