Monday, July 19, 2021

PT-5 "Chosen to be Prepared" (Matt. 10:1a)




My Worship Time                                                               Focus:  PT-5 “Chosen to be Prepared”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                            Reference:  Matthew 10:1a


            Message of the verse:  Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority”


            As promised we will look at the fifth frailty of the disciples which is their lack of power in today’s SD.  This fifth frailty will take us a bit longer and that is one reason that I did not want to look at it last night when I was very tired thus not giving it the look that it should have.


            This problem is like others they had in that they were not willing to admit it.  It was true of them as it is true of believers today that in and of themselves they were impotent and helpless, and yet even after they failed on many occasions they continued to believe they were strong and self-sufficient.  There is a story in the 17th chapter of Matthew that happens right after Jesus and three of His disciples came down from a mountain (I believe it was Mt. Hermon), where He was changed, as the disciples saw His glory and also Moses and Elijah.  When they came down they encounter a man who had brought his son to have Jesus’ disciples to be healed and the disciples tried in vain to heal the boy, but could not cure him as seen in Matthew 17:16.  Let us look at the words of Jesus in Matthew 17:17 “"You unbelieving and perverted generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring him here to Me.’”  Jesus then healed the boy, but afterwards the disciples could not figure out why they did not have the power to heal him and asked Jesus why they could not do this to which He replied in verses 19-20 “19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "Why could we not drive it out?" 20  And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”  MacArthur writes “The day came when the disciples had such power of faith, but it was only after they were filled with the Lord’s own Holy Spirit.”


            Jesus was very patient as He dealt with His disciples’ lack of understanding as He continued to teach them.  He also dealt with their lack of humility by demonstrating humility.  Next He dealt with their lack of faith by demonstrating the power of God.  He also dealt with their lack of commitment by praying for them.  Then afterwards Jesus gave them several warnings of the persecutions they would face for His sake, examples seen in John 15:18-21; 16:1-4, 22, 32-33.  As noted these examples are all seen in John’s gospel and then the most important prayer that Jesus gives for His disciples, and in that prayer all believers are also mentioned, which is found in the wonderful 17th chapter of John’s gospel.  I have heard this described as the Lord’s Prayer, which I totally agree with as the other one with that title could be called the disciples prayer.  Jesus also dealt with their lack of power by sending them His own Holy Spirit as their divine Helper as seen also in John’s gospel 14:16; 16:7, 13-15.


            I mentioned in an earlier SD that after Jesus died and was resurrected and then returned to heaven, and the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit that there came a day seen in the 4th chapter of the book of Acts when these disciples were in trouble over healing a man and had to come before the Jewish counsel that we read the following about them:  “Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus.”  These same men who had all of the issues that we have been going over are now living a life through the power of the Spirit of God and were seen as having been with Jesus doing similar things that He had done.  MacArthur writes “The disciples became living illustrations of the axiom that ‘everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher’ (Luke 6:40).  Jesus had trained them well, and now they went out and lived like their Master.  What they had learned by being with Christ and had received from Him through His Spirit not only had transformed their lives but would, through them, transform the world.”


            Now I want to quote the last paragraph in this section from MacArthur’s commentary and then there is also one more small sub-section that we need to look at today in order to finish this main-section we have been looking at for a while now.


            “For three years they lived with this Man among men who never uttered a word that was not true, who never sinned in thought or deed, who never lost His temper, and who was never angry except in righteous indignation over evil.  Though He was the Son of God, He never followed His own will or took glory for Himself.  He cared nothing for His own welfare but everything for the welfare of others, literally wearing Himself out with fatigue in their service.  He healed the sick, cleansed the demon possessed, and raised the dead; and He loved anybody and everybody.  Now He appointed the ‘twelve, that they might be with Him’ (Mark. 3:14) in order that they might become like Him.  And they did.” 


            This is a lofty goal for every believer to strive for, to be like Jesus.




            This is the last sub-section from the first part of verse 1 of chapter 10 in Matthew’s gospel.


            MacArthur writes:  ‘Not only were the twelve disciples chosen sovereignly, chosen with prayer, and chosen for training, but they were also chosen to be sent.  The disciples (‘those who learn’) were trained to become apostles (‘those who were sent’).


            Jesus calls all disciples in order to send them out.  There were only twelve apostles (Matthias was later added to replace Judas, and Paul was a unique addition beyond the Twelve) who were the official ‘sent ones’ of the early church and who one day will ‘sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel’ (Matt. 19:28).  But every disciple of Jesus Christ is called to make other disciples (Matt. 28:19-20).  We are all trained to be sent.”


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I have to say that I don’t take lightly doing the things that I believe that the Lord called me to do before the world was made and as seen in Ephesians 2:10, a verse I have mentioned on many occasions in my Spiritual Diaries.  I can only do the things that I was called to do through the power of His Holy Spirit, and when I try and do things on my own I end up like those disciples trying to cast out a demon on their own, as they failed and so do I.  It has been an answer to prayer that the Lord give me joy as I study His Word each day, and I am thankful for that answer to my prayer.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  I desire to continue to pray for revival in hopes and faith that the Lord will answer that prayer too.


7/19/2021 10:35 AM

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