Saturday, July 3, 2021

PT-1 "Christ's Divine Compassion" (Matt. 9:36a)




My Worship Time                                                      Focus:  PT-1 “Christ’s Divine Compassion”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 9:36a


            Message of the verse:  36 Seeing the people, He felt compassion for them,”


            I think that I have mentioned that I listened to the sermon that goes with this section a number of times as it truly moved my heart when thinking about the divine compassion that our Lord had, and as I listened to it a couple of times I copied a couple of portions and had them read to our very small group of people who attend out revival prayer group on Wednesday’s after our regular time of prayer at our church.  I will probably use some of those quotations as we go through this section.  I now want to repeat what John MacArthur wrote at the end of his introduction to the main section “His Motives” which cover Matthew 9:36-37a).  “Three elements of that motivation are His own divine compassion; man’s lost condition, and the coming consummation of judgment.”  Now it is good for us to remember that as a part of the NT church we are a part of the “body of Christ,” and as a part of the body of Christ we are to show Christ to others in this lost world that we live in.  Remember when Jesus said that it was better for Him to go away, well once He went back to heaven after His resurrection the church soon began and the church can be in many places all at the same time while Jesus was on earth He could only be at one place at a time, and that is why I believe He made that statement. 


            When one looks at the metaphors that are given for the church there are some that are similar to the ones given to Israel, but “the body” is a metaphor that is only used for the church, and as our Lord is in heaven now directing His church we as believers need to have some of those similar things that Christ has, including compassion, but it can only come through the power of His Holy Spirit.


            As we have been studying chapters 8-9 of Matthew we have suggested that this was the great part of our Lord’s Galilean ministry and we have seen many people follow Him through this region that He was living in.  We saw them follow Him across the waters of Galilee, we have seen Him heal many of their diseases, feed them, cast demons out of them but we know that there was something deeper that these people needed as all people need and that is spiritual healing and Jesus was deeply moved with compassion for their great need of spiritual healing.  MacArthur writes, and with this we will end our SD for today:  “But in ‘seeing the multitudes,’ Jesus saw the deepness and pervasiveness of their sin and the desperate plight of their spiritual blindness and lostness.  Consequently, ‘He felt compassion for them’ as only God could feel.  He cared for them because He was God incarnate and it is God’s nature to love and to care, for ‘God is love’ (1 John 4:8).  Over and over in the gospel record, we are told of Jesus’ ‘compassion’ and love for men.  When He withdrew in a boat to be alone after hearing of the death of John the Baptist, the crowd discovered where He went and ‘followed Him on foot from the cities.  And when He went ashore, He saw a great multitude, and felt compassion for them, and healed their sick’ (Matt. 14:13-14).  After He had healed a great number of people on a mountainside in Galilee, He privately told His disciples, ‘I feel compassion for the multitude, because they have remained with Me now three days and have nothing to eat; and I do not wish to send them away hungry, lest they faint on the way’ (15:32).  It was not enough that He had healed the lame, the blind, the dumb, and many others among them (vv. 30-31).  When they were without food, He cared deeply about their hunger.”


            In our next SD I want to look at the most unusual word from the Greek that makes up “felt compassion.”


7/3/2021 11:08 AM


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