Friday, July 16, 2021

PT-2 "Chosen to be Prepared" (Matt. 10:1a)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 7/16/2021 11:25 AM


My Worship Time                                                                Focus:  PT-2 “Chosen to be Prepared”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matthew 10:1a


            Message of the verse:  Jesus summoned His twelve disciples and gave them authority”


            We continue looking at the preparedness of the disciples that came from the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ, something that all true believers can learn from.  Sometimes we can learn things in the classroom, or from reading books, or even from reading blog post, and also from personal experiences.  However spiritual growth comes best from close contact with a holy example.  We learn from a person who has a consistently pure life that is patient, loving, reverent, and that has peace of heart and mind, and that is an unmatched tutor for godly living.  To hear a godly person talk to others and pray to God, to see him act and react, and to feel his heartbeat for the Lord is to be trained in the best of all schools.  I once read or heard of one of the early presidents of the Moody Bible Institute, but forget his name at this time, who had someone hire a private detective to follow him as the person who hired the detective could not believe that this Moody president could live such a moral life.  The detective came back and said after following him for a long period of time that he could find nothing wrong with the way he lived.  We as true believers in Jesus Christ who still have an old sin nature are certainly not perfect as we all struggle with different issues from time to time, but we can through the power of the Holy Spirit live a life that is worthy of our calling.  The disciples had the best Teacher available at any time, and even though they were a humanly defective and inept group, they were following the only Person who lived a perfect life as He was unsurpassed.  Now His intention was not to teach them to be the best they could be in their own capacities and strength but to teach them to be what they could be through His provision and power.  I remember listening to a sermon by the person I was listening to when I became a believer, Hal Lindsey, and the title of that sermon was “Becoming what you Are,” and I believe that is what we are talking about here.  When we become a new person “in Christ” that is the person that we are to be, but as stated the old sin nature will fight us every step of the way and so we have to rely on the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us to overcome those battles that we fight.  Some days they are easier than others, but some days the fight is very difficult.


            As we look at the most obvious shortcomings of the disciples we find that it was their lack of spiritual understanding.  These men were called to evangelize the world for Christ, and yet even far into their training they showed no perception of heavenly truth or of God’s unfolding purpose and eternal plan for redeeming the world.  We know that they were spiritually alive because they had trusted in Christ, but they had little spiritual perception or sensitivity.  Another problem was that they were dense to spiritual things, as they struggled in order to understand Jesus’ parables nearly as much as the crowds that He was telling them to.  Jesus would ask them a number of times after teaching a parable if they understood it, and many times they would say, “Yes Lord.”  But their subsequent words and actions invariably proved they did not understand all that the Lord was teaching.  They were so dull that they did not even understand that they failed to understand, and added to their spiritual dullness were their many prejudices and preconceptions, which they were reluctant to forsake even in light of the Lord’s specific teachings to the contrary.  We know that the Lord had a lot of work to do in getting these men ready to the most important job anyone has ever undertook, but we also know that this teaching that the Lord was giving them, even though at the time theydid not understand all of it would come back to them in greater understanding once the Holy Spirit came to live in their lives.


            I will conclude this SD with a quotation from John MacArthur:


            “When on one occasion Peter said to Jesus, ‘Explain the parable to us,’ Jesus replied, ‘Are you still lacking in understanding also? (Matt. 15:15-16).  When Jesus gave the disciples an object lesson in humility by personally washing their feet, Peter proudly refused.  After Jesus told him that otherwise he would have no part in Him, Peter went to the other extreme, asking to be washed all over (John 13:5-9).  By both responses Peter proved he had missed the meaning of what Jesus was doing and teaching.

            “When Jesus first began to tell the disciples of His coming death n Jerusalem, ‘Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him, saying, ‘God forbid it, Lord!’  This shall never happen to you’’—to which Jesus replied, ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s’ (Matt. 16:21-23).  When Jesus took His disciples aside to explain His imminent crucifixion—telling them of His predicted arrest, mocking, scourging, death, and resurrection—‘they understood none of these things, and this saying was hidden from them, and they did not comprehend the things that were said’ (Luke 18:31-34).

            “After Jesus was crucified, just as He had predicted, the disciples ignored that He had also predicted His resurrection, and they went despondently back to their fishing (John 21).  Even after the Lord had appeared to them several times, proving His victory over the grave, they still did not understand the prupose of His suffering or death or resurrection—or what their role in His future ministry was to be.

            “Yet through all their misunderstandings, contradictions, pettiness, and failures, Jesus patiently continued to teach—repeating many of the essential truths again and again.  Even during the time between His resurrection and ascension, ‘He also presented Himself alive, after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days, and speaking of things concerning the kingdom of God’ (Acts 1:3). 

            “Closely related to the disciples’ spiritual dullness was their lack of humility.  Often they failed to understand what Jesus said simply because they assumed they already knew They were proud, jealous, and envious men who were frequently more concerned about their own welfare and prestige than about Jesus’ teaching or work or about His own human welfare or divine glory.”


            I can see that I will not get through all of this in this SD, and so we will continue, Lord willing in our next SD as the things that MacArthur is writing here are very important to us as I am sure like me, many struggle from time to time in their walk with the Lord and are thankful for His patience that He has for us, but want to do better, and so perhaps this will help many of us out as we look at the struggles that His disciples had.


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Perhaps understanding the struggles that the disciples had will help me in the struggles that I have.


My Steps of Faith For Today:  Trust the Lord to teach me like He patiently taught His disciples to get them ready to tell others the greatest story ever told.


7/16/2021 12:20 PM

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