Wednesday, February 23, 2022

PT-1 "The Punishment" (Matt. 12:36-37)


SPIRITUAL DIARY FOR 2/22/2022 12:30 PM


My Worship Time                                                                          Focus:  PT-1 “The Punishment”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matt. 12:36-37


            Message of the verses:  36 “But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the Day of Judgment. 37 “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.’”


            In our last SD we spoke about how what a person is thinking will come out eventually in the words that they speak, and it is because men’s words are an accurate gauge of their hearts, they shall render account for their words in the Day of Judgment. A person is either justified or condemned by the words that they speak.  MacArthur adds “Salvation and condemnation are not produced by words or deeds, but they are manifested by them.  Words and deeds are objective, observable evidence of a person’s spiritual condition.  In the Day of Judgment, that future general time when the Lord evaluates who belongs in and out of His eternal kingdom, the criteria will include the speech of every person.”


            Now matter whether or not you look in the Old Testament or the New Testament there is a consistent teaching of salvation is by God’s grace working through man’s faith.  The point Jesus is making here is not that words are the basis of salvation or condemnation but that they are reliable evidence of the reality of salvation.  So it is that the speech of a redeemed person will be different, and the reason is because it comes from his renewed heart.  Pure, wholesome, praising speech is what shows a new heart.


            I have mentioned that Ephesians 2:10 is one of my very favorite verses and this shows us as we begin in verses 2:8-9 how a person has been saved, and then in verse 10 it shows us that we will be working after we have become saved, not working to be saved.  Romans 10:10 says “for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.”  Then in Romans 15:18 we see that what we saw in 10:10 in turn results in “obedience…beyond and deed.”  Salvation will produce good works, and it is for that very reason and in that sense that words bring justification or condemnation.


            The ungodly will be forever condemned for their speech.  I have to say that while going to high school and then going to work at a foundry for over 35 years that the speech of the ungodly was something that I certainly noticed after becoming a believer some nine years after beginning my work at the foundry.  I once had a person who had something against me as far as work related and he wrote something that he said I said and in that paper were many swear words to which people knew that I would have not said anything like that.  Now back to our lesson and we can see that Jesus does not limit this warning to extremes such as blasphemy but H makes explicit that men will render account for every careless word that they speak whether or not it is immoral, vulgar, cruel, or even blasphemous.  They will have to at that time of judgment render account even for words that are careless.


            John MacArthur writes “The basic meaning of argos (careless) is useless, barren, unproductive, or otherwise worthless.  Such words include those that are flippant, irresponsible, or in any way inappropriate.  Hypocritical words are among the most careless and worthless that men speak and are, unfortunately, among the most common.  When men self-consciously keep their vocabulary orthodox, moral, and evangelically acceptable while among fellow Christians—for the sake of impressing them or to keep from embarrassing ourselves—those words are careless and worthless in God’s sight, and He will render them against their account.  The calculated hypocrisy of such ‘holy talk’ is a stench in His nostrils.”


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I trust that the Lord is teaching me things that I need to realize from this very convictive passage.


2/22/2022 1:01 PM

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