Sunday, May 22, 2022

PT-1 "Unbelief Blurs the Obvious" (Matt. 13:54)




My Worship Time                                                        Focus:  PT-1 “Unbelief Blurs the Obvious”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                    Reference:  Matthew 13:54


            Message of the verse:  54  And coming to His home town He began teaching them in their synagogue, so that they became astonished, and said, "Where did this man get this wisdom, and these miraculous powers?”


            I remember a time when we were seeking a new Pastor for our church and so in order to get some wisdom on what I should do I spoke to a former Pastor that we had when I first came to this church years before.  The person who was seeking this job had gone to our church for a long time, ever since he was a child.  This was the issue that I had and so I brought this up with our former Pastor using this section of verses.  He said that it was wrong that the people of Nazareth had felt the way that they did just because they thought that they knew Jesus, and that certainly is a true statement.  I think that you can compare Jesus going back to His hometown with going to a class reunion from your high-school, as all your friends know you and if you come back as a famous person then there would be some wondering about how that person had made it big.


            In the case of Jesus, and this certainly is different because Jesus was the Messiah, He did nothing wrong, nor could He do anything wrong.  These people had tried to kill Jesus when He first came back as we talked about in the previous SD, and although they were not trying to kill Him this time they still could not realize “where then did this man get all these things?”  The things they were talking about were His wisdom, and His ability to do great miracles.  It was all a matter of doing research, which they did not do, for if they did they would have realized that Jesus was indeed their Messiah.  Instead of thinking that the father of Jesus was a man, they could have asked about how Mary became pregnant and listened to her answer and rejoiced that their Messiah had come to their little town to be raised right before their eyes.


            The same is true today, as so very many people in our world today do not take the time to research the truth about Jesus Christ, where He was born, the time that He came into the world which was promised in many different OT passages, including the great prophecy found in the 9th chapter of Daniel.  All the evidence of knowing who Jesus is, is certainly found in the pages of Scripture, but there is another way to find out about Him and that is in the way that the lives of people have been changed after coming to Him and accepting the forgiveness that He offers, through the death that He died, “For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him will have eternal life.” 


            One of the reasons that I study the Bible and then post on my Blogs the things that I learn is so people can see that they are in need of a Savior, that this Savior has come into the World 2000 years ago and that after spending 30 years on planet earth he spent several very cruel hours on a cross outside of Jerusalem.  In dying on that cross He satisfied the wrath of God as He paid for our sins, but just knowing that is not enough as one has to first of all realize that you are born a sinner and that there is nothing that you can do about that on your own.  Once you realize that then in order to be saved you must accept the forgiveness that Jesus offered when He died on that cruel cross for you some many years ago.  Just invite Jesus into your heart in order to be saved from your sins.  Jesus Christ will change your life once you do that, and I can testify to that as He changed me once I became a believer on the 24th of January 1974.


            Lord willing we will continue with this section from Matthew 13:54 in our next SD.


5/22/2022 8:24 AM



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