Monday, May 2, 2022

PT-2 "The Kingdom of Heaven may be entered from different circumstances" (Matt. 13:44-46)




My Worship Time Focus:  PT-2 “The Kingdom of Heaven may be entered from different Circumstances”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                                 Reference:  Matt. 13:44-46


            Message of the verses:  44 "The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, 46 and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”


            I mentioned in our last SD how happy I was to read about how the circumstances that the Lord used to bring me to Him are actually found in this 44th verse of Matthew 13.  Today as I look at the fact that the Apostle Paul had similar circumstances that are found in verse 44 that puts me in pretty good company.  Paul (the former Saul) experience was unique in that it was a dramatic, awesome, and audible encounter with the risen Christ and in that he was called to be an apostle.  Well that is where the similarities are much different than when the Lord called me.  I can say that there certainly was no audible voice, and I certainly am not called to be an Apostle, but Paul was walking along to Damascus in order to put believers in jail for the cause of Christ when Christ appeared to him on that road.  I was in Florida visiting a high school friend, and probably up to no good when the Lord called me, so those circumstances were similar with Paul as he was surely up to no good.


            There is another story in the 4th chapter of John’s gospel and that has to do with the woman at the well and how she was getting water from a well when the Lord began to talk to her showing her that she needed to become a believer.  She was at the well in the afternoon because the women in Sychar would have nothing to do with her because she had been married five times and was now living with a man whom she was not married to.  What is most interesting about this story is that this is the first person in the gospel that became a believer.  She was a woman, she was a half breed Samaritan, and she was married and divorced five times, yet Jesus sought her out in order to bring her into the kingdom of God.


            John MacArthur writes “Charles Haddon Spurgeon grew up in a Christian home, but as a boy he attended church only because it was the proper thing to do.  He was not immoral or rebellious but was basically satisfied with his life and was not seeking any more religion than he had.  One New Year’s morning, when he was fifteen years old, he decided he ought to attend the service at his church.  When the snow and cold wind became too fierce for him, he ducked into a little storefront type of church, as much to get out of the cold as anything.  


            “When I could go no further, ‘he writes on the event, ‘I turned down a court and came to a little Primitive Methodist church.  The preacher who was to have conducted the service never got there because he was held up by the weather, and quickly one of the officers had to be brought forward to conduct the service with the congregation of perhaps fifteen people.  The man was really stupid.  His text was, ‘Look unto Me and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth.’  And he just kept repeating it because he had nothing else to say.’  But something about Spurgeon caught the man’s eye, and he said, ‘Young man, you look very miserable.  And miserable in life and miserable in death you will be if you don’t obey my text.’  He then shouted, ‘Young man, look to Jesus!  Look, look, look!’ ‘I looked,’ said Spurgeon, ‘and then and there the cloud was gone and the darkness rolled away and that moment I saw the Son.’ Like Paul, the woman of Sychar, the beggar in Jerusalem, and countless others,’ (including myself) ‘Spurgeon was looking for nothing but found everything.”


            In our SD for tomorrow, Lord willing I want to look at the second parable and we will see a difference in that one from this one.


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  Yesterday our Pastor was talking about baptism, and the meaning of it as he was preaching from the 3rd chapter of Luke where we see John the Baptist baptizing, and then He baptized Jesus.  He was talking about how after Jesus was baptized that there was a voice from heaven, and the Holy Spirit came down on Him like a dove and so all of the trinity was there.  He then stated that this kind of thing does not happen when a person is baptized now.  I was thinking back to when I was baptized in April of 1978 and while I was being baptized I saw myself in a coffin lying dead and then I was brought up out of the water to new life.  A few months later I told the Pastor about that and his reply was “Well I didn’t see anything like that.”  Well I did, and I guess the Lord was showing me that this is part of what baptism pictures that you go down into the water dying and come up a new person in Christ.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  It is my desire to live like the new person in Christ that I am.


5/2/2022 9:58 AM

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