Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Persistent (Matt. 15:23-24)




My Worship Time                                                                                             Focus:  Persistent”


Bible Reading & Meditation                                              Reference:  Matthew 15:23-24


            Message of the verses:  23 But He did not answer her a word. And His disciples came to Him and kept asking Him, saying, "Send her away, for she is shouting out after us." 24 But He answered and said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."


            We are looking at “Great Faith” and talking about what it consists of, and the third quality of great faith is it is persistent as seen in verses 23-24.  I have mentioned that I teach a rather small Sunday school class at the church that I go to, and one of the problems with a small class is that when some of them leave for vacation at the same time then the class is even smaller.  My thoughts are that because our class will be very small this up-coming Sunday, and because I am teaching at this time in the 11th chapter of Hebrews that I will use what I am learning from this section in Matthew 15 as it is all about faith too and then when we convene in a couple of weeks most of the people will return and then I can continue  on the 11th chapter of Hebrews talking about Able who has a message from the dead.


            This truth about great faith is that it never gives up and as we continue to look at this Canaanite women I think that we will all have great respect for her as she certainly does not give up in her quest to have Jesus heal her daughter of demon possession, and I think also she is not giving up in desiring salvation for herself and then later for her daughter. 


            MacArthur writes “Jesus therefore tested the faith of this woman by setting up a series of barriers.  Some people have to struggle against strong doubts before they come to fully trust Christ for salvation.  Others have to struggle against the objections and arguments of friends and family.  Still others struggle to believe because they have heard the gospel clearly presented or because they see inconsistencies in the lives of Christians they know.  This woman, however, had barriers placed in her way by the Savior Himself.”  Now we know that Jesus is perfect, for He is God, therefore He can do nothing wrong, something to remember as we go through this section of Scripture found in Matthew 15:21-28.


             But He did not answer her a word.  Jesus is silence as seen in verse 23, as sometimes the hardest response to accept is no response at all, and that is what this woman received from Jesus as He did not answer her a word.  It seems that the disciples were getting tired of the screaming from this woman and so they said to Jesus "Send her away, for she is shouting out after us."  Now they have seen many, many miracles from Jesus and it seems that they just want Him to heal this woman’s daughter in order for her to stop screaming, after all they were on a little get-away for some rest and learning from Jesus. 


            Jesus did nothing unloving and nothing without a divine purpose that much we know, and this certainly is no exception.  Jesus had put up with enough of superficiality and shallowness, of the pretended faith of those who selfishly got what they wanted from Him, and then they left.  I can think of the ten lepers that He healed and only one, a Samaritan came back to thank Him.  The barriers that Jesus was putting up were not to chase her away but to draw her closer to Him.  Jesus also used this occasion to show the disciples the value of persistent faith and to help them distinguish between the genuine and the superficial.  I can think of a time when they used this with a man who said he was a believer, but then all he wanted was to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit for his own profit.  Jesus would erect barriers that only genuine, persistent faith could handle, and this woman certainly was handling it in a wonderful way as we will continue to see.  Now in Matthew 19:16-22 we see another case that Jesus placed barriers before a young man to test his faith.  This is the story of the rich young ruler and it seems that he did not pass the test like this woman did.


            Now we come to verse 24, and some see this verse as a problem, but it really is not a problem:  "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."  Jesus was saying this to His disciples, but within hearing of the woman.  The hardness of heart suggested by His silence now seemed to be confirmed by His words.  It is unclear of what His disciples though of this comment by Jesus.  His disciples must have wondered why Jesus healed the servant of the Roman centurion and why He offered water to the woman at the well as all of these certainly were not of the house of Israel.  This we know that His primary ministry was still to the children of the covenant.  This was not the time when the ministry would go to the Gentiles and that would not happen until the middle part of the book of acts.  Whenever this did happen we will see that Peter will have some issues with it and Paul would have to have some words to him about his attitude with Gentile believers as seen in the book of Galatians. 


            MacArthur concludes “Whatever effect Jesus’ response had on the disciples, it must have been a painful blow to the woman.  Most people would have indignantly said, ‘So much for your God of love, your message of compassion, and your narrow bigoted religion.  I want nothing to do with a God or religion like that.’  But this woman had no resentment or bitterness, only an abiding love for her afflicted little girl and a determination to have her freed from her demonic torture.  She also knew that the gods her people worshiped did not care.  She knew Jesus was the only hope and that she had nowhere else to turn.  She said in effect what Peter had said not long before:  ‘Lord to whom shall we go?” (John 6:68).


            Spiritual meaning for my life today:  I can learn from this woman not to give up on spiritual things that I desire, and to believe that though there may be barriers that Jesus will help me.


My Steps of Faith for Today:  Trust the Lord even when testing comes from Him that I don’t always understand.


7/27/2022 9:03 AM

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